Mother’s Day 2022 is one week away, on Sunday, May 8, and we have a couple of guides that got you covered. Whether you’re looking for the right pair of socks, clothes, or a new water bottle, we rounded up all the best outdoor gear for moms this year. If you don’t see something in this gift guide, be sure to check out our other Mother’s Day gift ideas.
Don’t worry if you still haven’t found your mom that perfect gift for Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day 2022 is one week away, on Sunday, May 8, and we have a couple of guides that got you covered. Whether you’re looking for the right pair of sunglasses, clothes, or a new backpack, we rounded up all the best outdoor gear for moms this year. If you don’t see something in this gift guide, be sure to check out our Mother’s Day gift ideas for under $100.
Fall can be some of the best times to go backpacking if you are prepared. Fall colors and cooler days, make for great hiking. We have found some great new gear to get you out the door and into the backcountry in style and comfort.
With summer coming to an end and winter right around the corner, many of us are anticipating getting out in the snow and having fun. And if you are still a little weary of winter coming, you will want to check out Make Believe, the new film from Teton Gravity Research, the company’s 2020 annual ski and snowboard film.
When going on an adventure with my dog, I am always thinking of what I need for them to also have a good time. So, I usually bring some type of treat as well as a toy depending on the activity that we are doing. Usually, I have just thrown this into my pack and hauled it as I do for my kids. But as I was preparing for our next adventure as a family, I decided that me hauling everything was not going to work. That is where the Baxter Pack came in.
We are always looking for new gear to add to our gear closets and it is always nice to save some money on that gear we buy. We took some time to find some of the best deals for Labor Day. Hope you can find your next piece of gear to get you out exploring.
Wolf and Grizzly launched Cook System, a compact fire-cooking system that reduces the footprint that campfires leave behind. I am sure all of you have been somewhere and have seen the remnants of a campfire and asked, “why would they have started a fire there?” I am guessing that is what inspired George Rizkalla, Founder and CEO of Wolf and Grizzly, to develop the Cook System. It combines compact and robust cookware with a height-adjustable frame system and a collapsible, envelope-sized fire pit.
Do you think you could go for 48 hours without your cell phone? If so, this is a challenge you need to consider. is looking to hire someone to take a digital detox for 2 nights in an RV at a national park of their choice then report on their experience using a wireless hotspot connection on the third night.
The new BioLite HeadLamp 200 is an ultra-lightweight rechargeable headlamp that is incredibly comfortable and stays in place on those early morning trail runs or evening camp setups. BioLite sent us a review unit earlier this year and we have been spending the last couple of months putting this headlamp to good use. Below is what we have learned when using it running, hiking, camping, and then just around the house doing odd jobs that we needed a light for.
Finding the perfect gift this holiday season just got easier. We found some of our favorite gear from some of the top brands. I am sure you will find something on this list for the outdoorsy person in your life. And if not, most likely you will find something for yourself.
We don’t think that one day a year is really enough to celebrate what our moms do for us. But with that said, we do think it is great that at least one day a year is set aside. This Mother’s Day we have found gear to help any active mom get out and enjoy the outdoors. We know that our moms mean a ton to us and if it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t love the outdoors as much as we do. Thanks mom!
This spring if you are looking for a new ride or just some new accessories you have come to the right place. After many months of having the bikes hanging in the garage, spring has finally come. Now is the time to get them down and tune them up. Or look through this guide and find you something new.
Earth Day come around each year, but hopefully, you don’t let it come and go without a thought of what you might do to help out the environment. At the very least hopefully, you were able to get out of the office and into the fresh air. In preparation for Earth Day this year we looked for products that were environmentally friendly and available right now. Supporting brands and products that are good for the earth is one simple way to help this Earth Day.
The past year has been a hard year for the Open Air Life family. It was definitely a roller coaster ride in our lives. My dad and friend passed away after battling cancer. As many of you might have noticed we have not been publishing much over the past year. We took a break to spend more time with family and friends during this time.
As with most successful events or activities, it all starts out with a great plan. A successful backpacking trip is no different. You wouldn’t dream of going to another country without doing some research ahead of time, would you? Knowing what you might expect will help you better understand what you are getting yourself into and be more prepared. But more importantly, a good trip plan will let you have a more enjoyable experience.
NEW! Welcome to our new interactive trail map. We are adding new trails daily with photos, interactive maps and more. Explore trails around the country to find trails to hike, bike and trail run. Zoom in on a trail section and click on the trail for more details. If you have feedback to improve our pages, please contact us.
When putting together this holiday gift guide we tried to only include things that we would love to own ourselves. That way, we could be fairly certain that anyone who received one of these products as a gift would enjoy it. We have included everything from stocking stuffers to a car tent over a $1,000. We are confident that you will be able to find that perfect gift.
Finding that perfect gift for the adventure traveler in your life can be hard to do. We have gathered some of our favorite pieces of gear that will make any traveler feel like they are on Santa’s good list. Just remember when looking for others, you might just find something you want as well.
The North Face Endurance Challenge, will take place in Park City, Utah this coming weekend, September 24 and 25. I have been able to participate that last couple years and it has been a lot of fun. The atmosphere and energy at each race has been high and was definitely some of the more enjoyable trail events that I have been to. They know how to put on a good race.
It seems like each weekend during the summer you can find either a half or full marathon race to run. Knowing a few expert tips and having the right gear can make all the difference in having an enjoyable race. Below are a few suggestions to get you through your next marathon.
The Speedgoat is not the newest shoe from Hoka One One, but I would definity take a look at it. I have run in a variety of different shoes but find myself grabbing for these on most trail runs. The Speedgoat are light, have great cushion and are extremely grippy.
I have now had the opportunity to review a few of the different sleeping pads that Klymit makes, but the Dash 10 is the first pack. The Dash 10 was designed for activities that require a fast and light pack. I have mainly used this pack while trail running but took it out on a few hikes.
The first time I heard about goTenna I was super intrigued. I do a lot of trail running and hiking in the mountains where cell service can be weak or nonexistent and having a solution for communicating while in the backcountry could be a life saver. goTenna was gracious enough to send out a test pair and I took some time to see what they could do.
I am amazed at how many people don’t understand what a good pair of sunglasses can do for their eyes. The Wolcott from Native is a great example of a pair of glasses that will help protect your eyes while out playing in the sun. They have a smaller frame and polarized lens which makes them great for active outdoor activities.
Probably many of you are thinking why an outdoor review site would be reviewing the UAG Microsoft Surface Pro 3 case. Well, in order to write reviews, you need a computer and I have been using the Surface Pro 3 for the past few months. The Surface Pro is a great computer but when traveling having a case is a must. UAG was gracious enough to send one out for a review and the following are the benefits and a couple shortcomings that I have noticed.
I have now had the Ambit3 Sport for almost a year now and it has now been my constant running companion for over 700 miles and countless hours of ping pong. Over this time, I have found out what makes this a great sports watch for many people and a few things that could be updated or changed.
If you know anything about Klymit, you know that they make great inflatable products, like sleeping pads. With this experience they design and built the Splash 25 dry pack. They have now launched a Kickstarter campaign to bring this backpack to market. The Splash 25 is a lightweight, waterproof pack featuring Klymit’s signature Air Frame Technology. The Kickstarter campaign is scheduled to run November 30th.
There haven’t been a lot of options for a ‘canyoneering’ shoe. We’ve probably all tried the original 5.10 Canyoneer and had problems with the sole coming off. I was excited to see another player throwing their hat in the ring for a canyoneering shoe. I’m picky with what I put on my feet. Canyoning requires a lot out of a shoe from comfort hiking to traction on the rock. Most of my canyoneering is in sandstone canyons in Southern Utah. But I thought I’d put it to the test on a local waterfall in Utah County. For my review I jotted down a few of the considerations I have when looking for a shoe, with a rating 1-5.
Fall is a great time to get into the outdoors. The temperatures start to fall and the leaves start to change colors. Backpacking is a great way to see fall and all its beauties up close and personal. As with all outdoor adventures having the right gear can truly make it a better experience. We have found some great gear this year and hope that you will agree.
Last year, The North Face Endurance Challenge, presented by GORE-TEX added a couple locations, now making it a six stops series and one of the locations is in Utah. I was able to participate in it last year with some friends. We ran the Marathon Relay and it was a great time. The atmosphere and energy at the race was high and was definitely one of the more enjoyable trail events that I have been to. This year the Utah race will take place on September 26 – 27 at the Park City Mountain Resort.
Out of the box
You can’t judge a book by its cover, but can you judge a shoe by its box? Maybe when it’s from Arc’teryx. I’ve loved my Arcteryx jacket, I’ve used for years ice climbing. I opened up my pair of Arcteryx Acrux FL GTX Approach Shoes, excited to what they can do. The separate inner liner is a new twist, designed to help keep your foot dry. I just needed to find a wet place to put their claims to the test.
This guide is full of products to get you out on the road in 2015. If you ride for fun or commute to work, we have found some great new pieces of gear. From a bike trailer to haul the kids to pannier are will keep your drinks cool. Also as spring can be wet we have found some pieces of clothing to help keep you dry this year.
Car camping is a great way to start the camping season. With spring showers and cooler temperatures, having the bring a few luxury items can make spring camping ore enjoyable. In this guide we have found some of our favorite pieces of gear to 2015 and a couple other from past years. But we are certain you will be able to find that piece of equipment to make your next camping trip great.
My initial impression of the GSI Outdoors Commuter Java Press, or shall I say French press was great, visually appealing and I loved the color, nice dark blue nylon exterior wrap with a simple and soft touch. It’s a perfect size. Not too big and not too small. I hate going through all of the trouble to make a killer coffee only to do it again so quickly afterwards. Anything close to a typical large coffee is ideal and this hits the spot.
The Volcom PBRJ (Peanut Butter & Rail Jam) event is coming to Brighton Resort on 3/21. This is a free, youth focused snowboarding event open to men and women of all ages – a really fun and interactive event for the boys and girls to show off their skills and compete in a fun environment. Volcom will be providing free food, drinks and giveaways for competitors and spectators.
Grilling, smoking, frying or dehydrating—meat fanatics have a lot of tricks up their sleeves when it comes to preparing their favorite foods. Whether you fire up the grill for hearty barbecue steaks, heat up the skillet for crispy bacon or use a dehydrator to prepare healthy jerky snacks, grill masters and backyard BBQ experts can agree on one thing: Bacon and jerky are both delicious. But which meaty snack is better? Find out here where bacon and jerky battle it out for the title of total meat supremacy.
The first thing I thought of when I saw the Tor Ultra Hi WP is that I could run in those. Weighing slightly over one pound, the Tor Ultra Hi WP combines HOKA’s signature running shoe cushioning and Meta-Rocker geometry with a supportive high-top upper. The new silhouette is rich with performance enhancing features, including a new Vibram® MegaGrip outsole rubber with five millimeter lugs to provide traction over varied terrain, a leather and nylon mesh upper for durable support, and an eVent® waterproof, breathable membrane to keep feet dry.
The LIGHTWAVE AMP features an ultra-bright 400-lumen light when set on maximum brightness, a rechargeable 21,000mAh lithium-ion battery, and integrated Bluetooth controlled lighting and speaker systems. The lighting system on the AMP, controlled by an integrated Bluetooth system driven by Brunton’s B-SYNC app, features SOS and emergency lighting functions. With a RGB colored LED lighting system and the capability to synchronize lights and sounds to music, the lantern has an infinite range of possible settings. A Micro USB input and three USB output ports for phone and tablet charging. The AMP open a new level of convenience to campers, allowing the light to be controlled from a distance or from the tent when the night calls.
adidas terrex TechRock Climaheat Hoodie
The terrex TechRock Climaheat Hoodie is made for alpinists and ice climbers with its warm, lightweight and packable characteristics. The insulation consists of RDS-certified 90/10 goose down with 800 fill power. This jacket offers details for extra warmth, including heat seals at cuffs, collar and lower hem to keep the warmth inside the jacket. The heat seal baffling is designed with different sized baffles so that every other baffle covers stitching lines and minimizes cold spots through overlap.
Each time that I start working on our coverage of the Outdoor Retailer Show I always feel a little overwhelmed. There are so many great products that come out each show and narrowing it down to just a few is always hard. Sometimes I feel like I should include all the products that we see as a team, but in the end always make the decision to highlight some of our favorites. In this Best of Show roundup, we have found 30 products that we are excited about for 2015. We have broken this Best in Show into 3 parts: Apparel, Equipment and Footwear. We hope you find this gear has interesting and innovative as we did.
This gift guide is full of gifts that any commuter or cyclist would love to get. We have included bags, bike and lights to make riding a bike safer and more enjoyable. We made the conscience effort to include a wide price range so everyone could find that perfect gift for the cyclist in their life.
Fall is a great time to get out and see the leaves changing colors and to find trails less crowded. But also fall starts to indicate for some of us the end of some trails as the snow starts to creep from the mountain tops towards the valley floors. The products we found in this guide will definitely help you get out and stay warm and safe for the trails ahead of you.
If some of you women were feeling left out after seeing our fall running gear guide full of gear mainly focused towards men, don’t be because here is your own. We have found some great new products that should make your fall training runs more enjoyable. As the weather cools and the daylight dwindles having the right gear truly makes a difference.
Running in the fall can be a great experience as temperatures cools off. But as the days get shorter, running during low light conditions increase making visibility key for safety. To help with safety, we have found running gear that has reflective components and lights to be seen. You don’t have to be suck indoors this fall if you have the right gear.
I don’t know about you but my wife and I are always looking for quick getaways that’s close to home. Being able to get out of the city and up in the mountains is always a plus for us. And most of the time to make this happen it means camping, which isn’t always a bad thing. But sometimes we are looking for more than camping but less than hotel room service. I found that the Antelope Yurt at the Blue Sky Ranch was a perfect option.
For me, having a reliable way to boil water while out in the backcountry is important. This usually means having something to boil the water in, like a pot, pan or mug and something to boil the water on, like a fire or stove. I prefer using a stove over fire when boiling water as it is quick and easy. There are many stoves on the market but few, if any, as small and light as the Olicamp ION Micro stove.
Some think that the outdoors and technology shouldn’t mix. But I have always believed that technology can make your outdoor experience better. In this Best of Show we have included some of the newest electronic technology that we saw during the Outdoor Retailer Show. Some of it is now available and others will be soon. I am sure you will find something that you want.
It is always hard to figure out what to include in these Best of Show guides and what products just to don’t make it. There is only so much room. In this Best of Show we found products to help you in your travels, tents that are both light and functional, gear to help you enjoy the water and more. We hope you find this gear has interesting and innovative as we did.
Twice a year companies around the world come to Salt Lake City to show off all their newest gear at the Outdoor Retailer Show. Each year that I go I am always looking for that next great development that will make my outdoor lifestyle even better. This show definitely didn’t disappoint with some great new products coming in 2015. Read on to see what you will need to put on your wish list.
Vail Resorts, Inc. announced today that it has acquired Park City Mountain Resort from Powdr Corp. for $182.5 million in cash. With the acquisition, all aspects of the previously litigation with respect to PCMR have been settled and this dispute will no longer pose any future threat to disrupt the operation of the resort.
If you are looking to cut some weight out of your backpacking pack, I always suggest looking at your sleep system: Tent, sleeping bag and sleeping pad. For most people you can easily shave off 3 to 4 pounds by replacing heavier items with lighters ones. And for those that are in need of replacing their tent, the Sierra Designs Lightning 2 tent is a great option if you would like to save a little weight.
It would be fair to say that when you hear the word ranch you don’t think of outdoor recreational type of activities. I would usually agree with that statement, but the people at the Blue Sky Ranch would disagree. And after spending a weekend there, I would have to agree with them.
Today marks America’s most relaxing holiday, National Hammock Day. While some may feel guilty taking time off on a Tuesday to commemorate one of summer’s favorite pastimes, hammocking has been shown to have numerous health benefits. Research shows the gentle swinging motion provided by a hammock has a synchronizing effect on the brain that promotes rest and relaxation by reinforcing sleep rhythms.
If you ever took a look inside the cabinet above my stove, the first thing you would say would be, “this guy does not need any more water bottles.” And if you said that, I would probably agree, or at least seem like I was agreeing with you. My wife on the other hand would totally agree and tells me all the time that if I bring another bottle home, I need to get rid of one. The truth is I am always looking for that next bottle that will be a game changer.
I am an amatuer backpacker with experience roaming around in the Wind Rivers, Zion National Park, Yosemite, and other great sites in the western United States. My latest adventure has been working for a wilderness therapy program in southern Utah. Its a great job, but puts a lot of wear and tear on the body, the mind, and especially gear.
Father’s Day is a great time to remember those dads that helped us learn to love the outdoors. I can remember from an early age being up in the mountains hiking or in the winter in the backcountry on snowmobiles. I know that my dad loved the outdoors and was always trying to help us learn to love them as well. This guide has a few products that would make any dad a happy man.
Whether commuting to work or out for a leisure ride with the kids, having the right bike tool can make all the difference in a pinch. There are a lot of great options available but many are either too big or shy on features. The BioLogic FixKit multi-tool is compact, lightweight and full of features making it a great choice for anyone looking for multi-tool to have on hand.
Backpacking is a great way to get out in the wilderness and get away from cell phone coverage. This guide is full of backpacking gear that will work for both men and women. We have tried to include a few different options for packs, tents and sleeping bags. All in all we have found 18 great products that will help you get out of the house and onto a nearby trail to find some solitude and peace. Happy backpacking!
Spring is a great time to get outside before the weather gets too hot and running is a great activity to prepare yourself for this summer’s adventures. Running can be hard on the body but having the right gear will make all the difference. Most of the gear in this guide I have personally tried and love. So find that new pair of shoes or shorts and lace up and kick outside and run.
Spring is a great time to start getting into shape. This guide is full of products that help you recover quicker and go stronger. The first two products use technology to track progress of your workouts. There is not a better time to start getting into better shape than now. So check out this guide then make an action plan, so this summer you can go as hard as you would like.
Spring is a great time to make the resolve to get into better shape or start training for your next race. And there are not many better ways to do this then to put on a pair of new running shoes and hit the road or trail. We have found some of the best new gear for women to take your running to the next level whether you prefer trails or city roads.
We have collected hundreds of product ideas this spring to find some of the best hiking gear available for women. Over the past few years more and more companies have taken notice of women and have created better women’s specific gear. Women do not have to settle for “pink it and shrink it” anymore and this guide proves it. The first product isn’t necessarily for women only but it is definitely a great product for hiking in the outdoors. Also we are giving away a bug/first aid kit to one lucky winner. Read more to find out how to enter.
One of the best things about spring camping is cool nights and toasty sleeping bags. In this gear guide we have found some great products to help you sleep better and have a more enjoyable time camping this spring. We have included a few items that will help those people who can’t leave their technology home, but we have also found a great game to keep the kids busy while back in camp. We are also giving away a Gerber Freescape Camp Kitchen Knife to one lucky reader. Read to find out how to enter to win.
One of the hardest things to narrow down for our travel gear guides are all the great packs and bags for traveling, with so many great products out there and options for every type of traveler. Having the right bag can make all the difference when traveling. We have also included great travel shoes, a water bottle that filter, a solar charger so you can always have power and much more. Safe travels!
Spring is a great time to get out hiking if you are prepared for spring run off to spring showers and having the right gear to keep you dry will make all the difference. This gear guide is full of some of our favorite picks for Spring 2014 hiking gear. From waterproof boots to a great snack, this gear guide has you covered from head to toe for your next hiking adventure. For all the ladies some of this gear comes in women’s as well, but check back soon as we are posting a women specific hiking gear guide later this week. Also we have partnered with Wolverine to giveaway a pair of Alto hikers to one lucky winner. Read on to learn more.
I awoke early in the morning, just before dawn, so got up to wander a bit and watch the sun come up. When we arrived at the camp the night before, the first thing we noticed was that this camp was a junction for the other hike routes up to the summit. This meant there were dozens more hikers than we had seen at the camps previously, and the term “tent city” came to mind.
Landon Faulkner and his cousin Andrew are two bearded adventurers that are trying to make a difference for some at risk and under-served youth. They have announced Climb for Change, an ambitious assault, and first-ever two-day winter ascent, of Mount Lassen and Brokeoff Mountain in California’s Lassen Volcanic National Park using snowshoes.
I have been going to the Outdoor Retailer show for over 15 years now and I am always on the look out for some innovative and new products. A couple years ago we decided to start giving out awards to the companies that have produced great gear. One of the hardest things about giving out awards is trying to decide what makes it and what doesn’t. And this year was no exception. We have pick 14 new products that are either currently available or will be available later this year.
Is dinner and a movie not your ideal Valentine’s Day? Try something fun and different this year with an outdoorsy twist on your date night! Here’s a list of fun date ideas for the couple that loves to spend time both outside and with each other:
On the third day we woke to another short but strenuous hike, just over five miles, but because we walked very slowly to help acclimatize and not get too winded, we did okay. The first three miles or so were a long but gradual uphill climb through lava fields. We sang snatches of songs we couldn’t remember all the words to, and played movie trivia.
Day two of the hike was relatively short, only a few miles, but very steep and rocky, and about another 2,500 feet of elevation gain. Everybody in the party did well, and the day felt much easier. This was due mainly to the fact that it was dry instead of drizzling, and we had the whole day to make the hike, instead of just a few hours on the day previous.
Winter is here and we’re already hearing the buzz for the Winter Olympic games next February. You might be asking yourself how to get your kids involved in the exciting world of winter sports. Unlike warm-weather sports that children are exposed to regularly in gym class, summer camp, or outdoor games, winter sports can feel more difficult to learn.
The first thing that came to mind when seeing the NINER goggle case was how simple the design was yet how practical. I think most of us know how important it is to have goggles when on the slopes or in the backcountry, and because of this protecting them is essential. The NINER case is a great solution to protecting your goggles without a lot of bulk.
Each year we like to reflect on some of the great gear that we are able to test and review. 2013 was a great year full of great gear. The gear that qualified for Editor’s Choice was gear that we would reach for time after time when heading out. It ranged from a backpacking stove to a jogging stroller. We hope that you find the gear below as useful as we did.
The 25 holiday gift ideas in this guide are all under $25 and great for stocking stuffers. Now with only two days left before Christmas day, it is crunch time. If you haven’t even started shopping, we recommend that you check out all of our holiday gift guides and see if you can find that perfect gift. With time running out you might have to wrap up an I.O.U. but we are sure you can find something.
We have narrowed this list down to 10 holiday gift ideas for the outdoor enthusiast in your life. The gift guide has something for the camper to the runner. With only 5 days left until Christmas it is time to get serious if you are not already done shopping. But if you are, now you can do a little shopping of your own.
With Christmas only a week away it is crunch time. Finding the right gift for the outdoorsy type doesn’t have to be hard. This holiday gift guide is full of gifts that will cost you between $76 to $100. First up is a headlamp that is not only rechargeable but it also has a technology that automatically adjusts the light output. But this guide has so much more.
You can find a bunch of great products at this price point. This holiday gift guide is definitely worth checking out even if you are looking for your own Christmas gift. But I am confident that you will be able to find something for the outdoor enthusiast in your life. We have loading this gift guide with products for cycling to skiing and a little bit of everything in the middle. You don’t have many days left, so check it out and go support a local shop!
In this Holiday gift guide you will find gifts that will set you back less than $200. We sorted through hundreds of products to find you some of our favorites in this price range. We have some great stuff for hikers, but we also have some great gear for the snowboarder or skier in your life. Once again this is just one of many gift guides that we do each year, so if you can’t find what you are looking for, check out one of our other gift guides.
We have compiled a list of great outdoor gift ideas for under $50 from some of the best outdoor brands. We think that you will be able to find that perfect gift. We have something for almost category in the outdoors. And if you don’t see something in these guide check out our other gift guides.
When we started this guide we were tempted to break it down into smaller categories but decided to feature only some of our favorites. This guide has products to help any of us get up off the coach and exercise. One of the coolest products that we found this year was the ICEDot Crash Sensor. This little device might just save the live of a loved one.
If anyone know me, they know that I love shoes. So you know that I was going to do a shoe guide full of great new shoes. This guide does include casual shoes, to hiking and running shoes, to boots to keep that loved ones feet warm this winter. I hope you find this Holiday gift guide as useful as I did find it enjoying to put together. Also we are giving away a pair of Lems Shoes. So check out the article to enter to win.
If you like your flip flops, you’ll want to try a pair of these shoes. Lems has taken shoe design to a new level by designing a minimalist shoe around an actual human foot. Other shoe companies do similar things, but instead of designing for the foot, they design for the action you are doing, such as running, biking, hiking, etc. The first time I wore these, I was skeptical because I really love my flip flops, but I LOVED them. When you have a good looking shoe on and you forget you are wearing shoes because they are so comfortable, you know you have a great shoe.
This holiday season we hope to be able to help you find that perfect gift. This guide is full of shoes for women. We know that it can be a daunting task finding the right shoe, but we have selected a few of our favorites this past year. We are also giving a pair of Cushe boots away to one lucky reader. Enter to win below.
We know that there are a billion different toys and electronic gadgets that kids want. In this Holiday gift guide we tried to find gifts that help kids get outside more and away from the TV or other screens. We found a couple bikes for the little ones to a zipline for the other kids. Plus Vapur has been kind enough to supply us with 4 Quenchers Anti-bottles to giveaway to 4 lucky readers. Check it out below and enter to win.
We know that it can sometimes be tricky finding that piece of gear or perfect gift this holiday season, but we definitely think it can be done. This holiday gift guide is full of books that are sure to please the outdoor or fitness buff in your life. We have found books on running, triathlons, cycling and more. We hope that you can find the perfect book for that outdoors bookworm in your life.
This gift guide is full, and I mean full of some great gear for travelling. This is probably our biggest guide to date. We found so much great gear for travelling that it was hard to know what to leave out. We finally just had to make the decision that we couldn’t fit it all. We think that you should be able to find that perfect gift for the traveler in your live.
Fitmark is a company that takes looking good to a new level. Started by someone who walked into a gym of full people who look good, surrounded by bags that just didn’t, CEO Mark A. Samuel decided to make a change. He created Fitmark bags, a bag that will go with you to the gym and everywhere else, with great function and even better fashion. I had the pleasure of reviewing the Fitmark Dashing Tote and I was nothing but satisfied.
We all know someone who seems to have all the newest technology and gadgets. This guide is full of new gadgets specifically for the outdoor minded gadget geek in your live.
This holiday gift guide is full of products that will help the photographer/videographer in your life get that next best shoot. We have found new sport action video cameras, mounts, an attachment to turn the iPhone into a light meter, great camera bags and more. We even found a bluetooth shutter release for your phone so you can get the best “selfies” this holiday season.
This Black Friday, when deals and discounts entice people to buy more, Patagonia is sending an alternative message to its friends, family and customers, one that explores the quality of the things we own and the lives we live. To help drive that message home, the Malloy family (Patagonia Surf Ambassadors) have produced Worn Wear, a short film to share the stories of Patagonia customers and their beloved Patagonia gear that has stood the test of time.
If you have been in outdoor shops or around people that play in the outdoors, you have probably heard someone say something about layering. But what does it mean and how best to do it. Layering is a great way to dial in your comfort level while in the outdoors. When done right you will be able to make small adjustments throughout the day to regulate your body temperature no matter the activity level or changing weather.
There are a few strollers I really like that fit into the all-terrain category, but the Bumbleride Indie definitely fits that category. This little stroller can go almost anywhere without much trouble. I’ve been on grass, dirt, concrete, rocks, even boardwalks and the ride is still smooth enough to keep your toddler sleeping. The front wheel also locks making it a great jogging stroller. It can also take a lot of use and even a lot of tossing around.
The Patagonia Rover is a multi-sport shoe that is aimed at combining the best of a trail runner with an approach shoe. Its lightweight design will appeal to those that love to go fast and light. Whether running up dirt trails or scrambling to the top of a peak, the sticky rubber outsole provides crucial traction on an assortment of terrain.
If you are looking for something to do this Friday, November 8th that benefits a great cause, get over to LUNAFEST 11th Annual National Touring Film Festival. Come enjoy great film, great food from Red Rock Brewery, and great fun. Nine films will make you laugh, tug at your heartstrings and motivate you to get involved in your community.
Just because the temperature is starting to drop doesn’t mean you have to put your bike away. For this fall gear guide we have search for some of the best new cycling gear for 2013. In the process we found a lot of gear that will make riding this fall a lot more enjoyable. We also found the sweet Küat Bottle Lock bike lock that is both simple and convenient. The best part is that we are giving one away to one lucky reader.
For me fall is some of the best weather to get out and run in. The temperatures are cooler and it is easy to add a layer if it gets too cold. But the biggest problem with fall running is shorter days and the unpredictable weather. Finding the right gear is essential to keep you both safe and comfortable while training this fall. We have found many products that have 360 degree visibility to make you stand out when running in low-light situations.
I am always on the search for a great commuter bag. Getting my stuff back and forth from work with ease is important. I have now owned and tested several bags designed for commuting and there are things to love about each of them. I will be focusing on the STM Linear Medium Laptop Shoulder Bag in this article. This bag has proven to me over and over that it was designed to handle the daily abuse of commuting. We are also giving away a STM Arvo iPhone 5 case to one lucky reader, check it out below the review.
With the days getting shorter and the night longer, the chances of running this fall in low light conditions increases. Having the right running gear is essential, not only to keep you warmer on cool days but also more visible for safer runs. We have also included some great tech products so you can both track and share your running experience.
One thing to know about me is that I love seasons. By the end of summer I am ready for fall and can’t wait til it starts to snow. Fall though, is one of my favorite seasons as the temperature start to cool off but going into the outdoors doesn’t require a giant parka yet. Also with the fall colors, fall is a great time to get out to the mountains and go camping.
A good day pack is essential to any successful hiking trip, but finding a pack that works for you can be a little trickier. I find that a good day pack blends capacity with comfort. Each year I find myself gravitating towards certain packs and this year it has been the Platypus Sprinter XT 25. There is enough room to throw in extra layers and hauls a massive three liters of water. Along with this review the good people at Cascade Designs have been gracious enough to give away a MSR Model 9 T-Shirt to a lucky winner. Check out the box at the end of the article to enter to win.
Fall can be a great time to get out hiking if you have the right gear. Temperatures are cooler which can be enjoyable as long as you are prepared. We have included 3 jackets to keep you warm while out hiking this fall. But the best part of this guide is your chance to win a pair of boots from Wolverine. So, read on, enter to win and then get out and enjoy the fall colors.
In this review we put the Aquapac 40L Upano Waterproof Duffel Bag to the test in Zions Utah. This bag is great for travelling or any other time you need to keep your gear dry.
One thing that I have noticed over the past few years is technology creeping more and more into the outdoors. Because of this, we have decided to focus one gear guides on new products that are either tech in nature or help protect our technology. You will find cameras, things to protect your phones as well as a product that might just save your technology from moisture. We know not everyone will appreciate technology in nature but for those that do, we hope this guide is useful.
Fall is one of my favorite times to get out and go hiking. The weather has cooled down and the leaves are starting to change colors. This gear guide is focused on having great gear for women that want to get out hiking this fall. Knowing that the weather can start to get ugly in the fall we have included 4 different jackets that are great for different reasons. Find the one that best suits your area.
Complete cooks sets can be bulky, heavy and still lack functionality. When backpacking it is a good idea to think what items you really need and eliminate the rest. Most of the time when backpacking, all you need is a pot to boil water, something to eat out of and something to eat with. The GSI Pinnacle Dualist has all that plus an extra cup to drink out of and all of this for 2 people at the lightweight of 21.6 oz.
When looking for a backpacker stove, I look for at least two things: lightweight, plus performance. Size and price are also factors but I can sacrifice on those two points if I can find a good balance between the weight of the stove and its performance. The MSR MicroRocket is a lightweight stove that performed better than other stoves that I have used that cost more money and weigh more.
I have had the opportunity to test the Westcomb Crest Hoody for a few months now and have been impressed. For me, here in Utah, this is a great three season jacket that will keep you on the move when the weather turns a little chilly. And you should never have to sacrifice leaving it home because it only weighs 5 oz. and packs down to the size of a softball.
The first time I saw a picture of the Wyoming Trail 2 Camp I was very intrigued. The design thought that went into this tent was definitely by someone who loves to camp but always runs out of room. If you run out of room in this 2 person tent then you will need to re-evaluate what you take camping. You might just have to leave home the bathroom vanity. But I am sure you can still bring the kitchen sink.
Headlamps have come a long way since my first headlamp 20 years ago. A couple things haven’t changed though over the years. The convenience of having your hands free when working or moving around at night and the need for batteries. If you use your headlamps a lot, you can burn through a lot of batteries. The Black Diamond ReVolt makes having light possible without having to worry about buying batteries, what can seem like every other week.
When camping having a good lantern makes cooking and getting around camp and tent at night a lot easier. Over the years I have used many different lanterns and I have had mixed results. Finding a great lantern that is reliable and feature rich can be hard. But the Kelty LumaSpot Rhythm is a full featured lantern with some unexpected features.
We got to Tanzania! After a three day trip with stops in Detroit, Amsterdam and Nairobi, including almost a full day layover in Amsterdam that we spent touring the city and sleeping in the airport terminal, we got to the hotel in Arusha, Tanzania. After awaking from the night before our hike, we enjoyed a nice breakfast in the hotel, and a long shower, knowing it would be my last for almost a week. We got into a LandCruiser driven by Goodsell, Goody for short, and off we went.
First off you probably are thinking to yourself that I must have made a mistake and wrote sleeping bag instead of sleeping pad. But it is no mistake Therm-a-Rest has entered the sleeping bag market and has taken it by storm. Therm-a-Rest has been around now for a few years in the sleep category but decided this year to venture to a more complete sleep system and not just pads. So enters the Antares.
It has almost been a month since the Outdoor Retailer Show bombarded Salt Lake City. We were extremely busy this show trying to find what who were some of the up and coming companies as well and what new products were going to make a difference in the outdoor industry. Since the show for the past month we here at Open Air Life, have scrutinized our notes and images looking for what we believe were the “Best of OR”. We narrowed it down to 27 but there were many more that are truly runners up. If we get some extra time we will definitely write those up as well. First up, a new tent pole technology.
Today is National Trail Mix Day and what goes better with the outdoors than trail mix. Trail mixes are a high energy, tasty treat for the trail or snacks. When camping, hiking or biking, a handful of trail mix can provide you with an extra energy boost to keep from tiring out. Trail mix can be purchased at grocery stores or created in the home using a food dehydrator. Dehydrating snacks at home provides a healthier, more cost-effective way to consume and preserve trail mix snacks.
Commuting is a great way to get in shape and get outdoors for a bit before heading indoors for 8 hours. But for some the thought of commuting can be overwhelming. I have found that over the years starting slow is the best method. But equally important is having the right gear. We have gathered some new products that should help your commute. Also we are giving away a new Polar Bottle Halftone Insulated Ergo water bottles that will help keep your water cooler longer. Check below for the details.
Sam and I are getting short on time, only two weeks to go before the trip. Most of the equipment is ready to go, just picking up miscellaneous stuff now. Still need more hiking, and I am still worried about the altitude changes, though getting more familiar with the route, altitudes, etc. We’re getting pretty excited, I can tell because Sam talks about the trip in words with multiple syllables, really extending himself out there past the usual “yeah,” “duh,” and “no” we’re familiar with from our fun-loving teenagers.
I headed up to the high Uintas to spend some time at my family’s cabin. As we were planning the trip I told my brother that I wanted to try my Ribz pack and we planned a day hike into some lakes we fished as kids. When we arrived at the trailhead it was pouring rain but we decided to just go for it.
There are many reasons that riding your bike to work is a great idea. Bike commuting is a great way to get some exercise first thing in the morning as well as a great way to do your part for the environment. But many people have to wear a suit or at the very least cannot wear their spandex and jerseys around at the office. The Henty Wingman is the perfect solution to get your suit or clothes from home to work without looking like you just pulled them out of a stuff sack.
Hiking doesn’t always have to be hard and it should never be miserable. If you feel that hiking is miserable, I promise, you are doing something wrong. Summer is the perfect time to slip on some hiking boots and get out and see backcountry lakes, or to take an easy stroll through the woods. There are two key components to have a great time hiking. First, choosing a hike depending on your physical ability, and secondly, having the right gear. We hope this guide fulfills the second.
If you are looking for a new pair of hiking, backpacking, running or cycling shoes we have gathered a few of our favorite for this summer. I have always believed that having the right shoes for whatever you are doing matters. i have came across or heard too many people say that their feet hurt and they dont think they will be able to finish. We would love to hear from any readers on their favorite shoes. Please leave us a comment on Facebook or this article.
With summer in full swing now, it is time to get out and enjoy the water. In my opinion, stand up paddle boarding has to be one of the best water sports. If you have never tried it, I would recommend finding a local shop where you can rent a board and get out on the water. Or as the saying goes jump in with both feet and find some new gear in this guide and enjoy. The first time for me out paddle boarding I was hooked.
I am always on the lookout for new gear and SPOT has added the SPOT Global Phone to their line of products this spring. If you don’t know anything about SPOT LLC, they have been providing satellite communication and tracking devices for recreational use for a few years now. The first being the SPOT Satellite Messenger which can be quite handy in notifying family and friends about your condition as well as emergency services when in trouble. But now SPOT has taken communication in the backcountry one step further by offering the Global Phone.
Here is a product that will help keep your life on the run just a little easier. The makers of Lock Laces have made it nice not only for us runners, but for anyone looking to replace their current shoe laces. If you have never heard of Lock Laces don’t feel too bad. I had never heard of them either until just recently.
I don’t know about you but washing dishes isn’t one of my favorite activities, but it is something that has to be done. And doing dishes while out camping can be a tricky thing to do. The TriLite Wash Station by Byer of Maine helps to make this task just a little easier while away from home.
Timex keeps moving forward with GPS training watches. If you like to keep track of your miles and heart rate and everything in between keep this watch in mind. If you know much about Timex then you don’t need me to sell this watch to you. If you don’t and are looking to purchase a GPS watch this might be the one for you.
Looking south along the trail, the day couldn’t be more spectacular for hiking. Blue sky, temperature perfect, the grass and flowers still green from the spring, all was perfect for the trip. There were also just enough hikers up on this portion of the trail to enjoy the greeting and share the beauty of the day without being so many that one felt intruded on. The intermittent sighting of these folks also gave a sense of perspective and distance, as you could pick movement out on the far skylines and hills.
If you are looking for a shoe that stays true to what it is intended for, then you could never go wrong in a pair of Glycerins. These shoes are built to put many miles on them and a ride that will keep your feet and legs fresh. For those of you that have worn the Glycerin 10, I think you will love the updates and upgrades that have went into the 11.
The Rapid 35 is really a pack designed for winter, but can do so much more. At 35 liters this is a great size for quick overnighters during the summer or for the times that you might need a little more gear during winter snowshoeing. The people at High Peak USA have put some serious thought into this pack.
Lengthening our distance from the first hike of five miles last week, Sam and I talked about hiking Ben Lomond, but decided we weren’t quite ready for 15 miles. We decided to make the hike to Lewis Peak instead, which from the North Ogden Divide and back is somewhere between 10 and 11 miles. I’m a bit unsure, as I didn’t take a GPS unit, and the trail marker signs seem to differ in opinion slightly.
This is a great little hike to a unique waterfall, about 1.5 miles round trip or more if you want to wander upstream further. To get there drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon until you get to the Storm Mountain Picnic area, park directly across the street in a little pull off. There is a large area to park a little further down the road if there is no more room at the pull off. The trail is on your right and is not marked. Just a few yards from the beginning of the trail there is a sign about finding explosives.
When you think of Father’s Day, do you think of socks, belts or ties? Well we didn’t find any ties to include in this gift guide but we did find a some great sock options as well as one belt. I know not all dads would love a new pair of socks but I am pretty confident that most dads would. But we also included some other great items that will help dad play longer and harder in the outdoors.
We always do a couple guides of items that you might not buy for your dad, but you might buy them for your husband or maybe even for yourself. This guide has some great pieces of gear that is sure to please the hardest to buy for dads. A few of the picks in this guide are personally some of my favorite pieces of outdoor gear. I know that I would be happy to recieve anything on this list.
This summer my kids and I have a goal to go on a hike every week. Our kids are quite small (2, 4 and 6) so I have chosen hikes that will help them work up their stamina without me having to hear too many “are we there yet?” complaints. My goal with the children is to get them to be comfortable with a few miles in the mountains and perhaps go on a mini backpacking trip with dad. On each hike the children have to carry a small pack with their water and a snack.
Father’s Day is less than a week away and now it is time to get serious about finding that perfect gift. We found great gear for those dads who love water or land but we also found a cool little device that turns any TV with HDMI into a Smart TV. And the best part is that each of these items will cost you less than $50. We still have a couple of guides left so check back soon.
I’ve camped and hiked most of my life, and 21 years in the Army as a reservist always reminds me of the best methods for not being miserable while hiking (and the Army being the Army, how to be miserable while doing it as well) and the need for being in shape if you’re going to be walking up and down roads and hills. I’ve also tried to bring up my kids to be as active as possible, and my three sons are pretty fit and used to the deal as well. This time, however, we’re striking out on new territory.
This is our biggest Father’s Day Gift Guide to date. We struggled trying to narrow it down to only a few products. There are so many great new products that would make any outdoorsy dad happy. We found great packs to some of the best lightweight jackets on the market. We hope that you are able to find that perfect gift for you dad.
Father’s Day is a great time to show your dad how much you appreciate all that he has done for you and the encouragement that he showed you throughout your live. It is now your turn to help encourage him to play a little more in the outdoors. This guide is full of gear that would please any dad who loves the outdoors.
With Father’s Day coming up this month we have found some great gifts that any dad would love. This guide is full of great gifts that will set you back less than $100. This is just the first of a series of Father’s Day gift guides so check back often so you can find that perfect gift for your dad.
My son Sam came to me during the summer last year and announced that he would like to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro right after he graduated from high school. Having travelled fairly widely myself, and believing in the good that exposure to other cultures brings to anyone, I thought this was a good idea. Add to it my being somewhat of a plan-in-advance type, I knew I had two years to get ready,
Getting a good night sleep for me while backpacking is essential for me to have a great experience. I feel refreshed in the morning to get back on the trail as well as have the energy to last all day. In this article, I am going to do a side by side comparison of three lightweight air sleeping pads: The Klymit Static V, the Big Agnes Air Core SL and the Therm-a-rest NeoAir X-Lite.
This was a hard guide to narrow down and frankly, we probablyadded more shoes than we should have. There are tons of new shoes coming out this spring and we thought we should just show you a bunch of them. The best part is this guide is full of shoes for both men and women. A lot of the styles have a men’s and women’s model and we tried to specify that. Read the guide, pick a few and make your feet happy!
With Memorial Day this weekend and the camping season official starting, REI has put together an infographic to help you set up a tent. If you following these 10 “simple” steps you are guaranteed a better nights sleep. I am not saying that there will not be other things keeping you up at night, but your tent shouldn’t be one of them. Each day this week we will be post something either about camping or for camping so check back often.
It’s mid-May, and spring is in full swing here. With the warm, sunny weather we’ve been having, you can bet that I am gearing up for the camping season. Since my book, Campfire Cuisine, was just released in a new, revised edition, I’m even more inspired than usual to get out into the woods and do some amazing cooking au naturel (by which, of course, I mean “out in nature” not “naked,” although that could be fun, too!) There is nothing like eating an amazing gourmet meal out in the wilderness, and as I set out to prove in Campfire Cuisine, it doesn’t have to be difficult.
There is still a month of spring left and running outside is getting a lot more enjoyable. If you are new to the sport of running or planning for your tenth 10K, this guide has something for you. We found 5 new pairs of shoes and some great new pieces of clothing that will get you off the couch and on the road or trail. So find some new gear, make a resolution to use it, and then sign yourself up for a race. Enjoy the run!
I don’t know about you, but I love backpacks. When I first got married my wife wondered why I needed so many packs. I guess that was a legit question to ask. I can’t remember how I answered that questions but I am sure I said something like, “you know I need a different pack for snowboarding, and another for climbing and one for backpacking, etc.” This was true to a degree. But really I love backpacks. And I do love certain packs for certain activities. With that said if you are looking for one pack that can work for multiple activities, then the Mountainsmith Mayhem 35 is that pack.
Well if you have forgot that it is Mother’s Day this weekend or if you just want to treat your wife or mother to some a little more, this gift guide is for you. Everything in this guide will cost you more than $250 but each product is worth it. We found 3 different bikes and a few products for those moms that love to play in the water.
This is our second to last Mother’s Day gift guide. If you still haven’t found something for your mom, it is time to get serious. Mother’s Day is less than 4 days away. This is by far the biggest of our Mother’s Day gift guides and we think we found some great products. We here at Open Air Life want to thank all the women and moms for all they do and bring to the outdoors.
I am pretty sure that May is not National Camping Month, but with Memorial Day, it does usually start the camping season. We have found a stove with innovations that will remind you of home stove and an air mattress that will remind you of your bed. Who ever said camping had to be roughing it has never used some of the gear found in this guide.
This guide is mostly full of great clothes for spring. But don’t be fooled, these clothes are as technical as they are good looking. Mom can now look good when hiking, biking or going to the farmer market. Check it out and let us know if we missed something. We would love to hear if we should add something.
If your mom love to travel, bike, run or play in the outdoors, this gift guide has something for her. Packed with gifts that will set you back less than $100, this guide has some awesome products in it. We hope you find it as useful as much as we enjoyed putting it together. This is our 4th Mother’s Day gift guide and we still have a few more to go. Also if you are looking for a free gift, check out our Mother’s Day giveaway.
Mother’s Day is just over a week away and Rock On has graciously offered to help you out with your Mother’s Day shopping. They are willing to give away a Pink Granite Series Chalk Bag to one lucky reader. All you need to do is enter below by answering one simple question: How are you going to get your mom, wife or yourself out of the house and rock climbing more often this summer? To increase your chances like us on Facebook and Twitter!
Now that the weather is starting to improve it is time to start thinking of getting off the treadmill or couch and hit the pavement or better yet a trail. We looked for products that will not only look good on you but are both technical and comfortable. Whether you love running through the trees on trails or if asphalt and cement are your best friend, there is something in this guide for you.
Does your mom have more shoes than your closet can handle? Does she have a pair of shoes for each outfit? Or does she just really enjoy wearing good shoes? If any of those fit your mom this gift guide is definitely for you. We have rounded up some of the best new shoes and sock on the market and we are excited to share them. We hope you can not find just the right one for mom.
I can’t speak for everyones mom, but I know my mom played a huge role in making the outdoors a big part of my life. From an early age she has always been supportive of me playing in the outdoors, even if I was dragging mud through the house. This guide is full of great gift that any outdoors mom would love. This is also the first of a series of gift guides helping you find the right gift for Mom!
If you like a great flip flop with a little more style, these are the sandals for you. Acorn shoes were built for comfort with great style. As they say at Acorn “it’s the little things, the details, that make life’s experiences the most rewarding, and we think the same goes for what you’re wearing on your feet.” The C2G LITE THONG was made with the little details in mind.
Spring backpacking can be a great time to get out into the backcountry and have it all to yourselves before the summer rush. We have gathered some of our favorite picks for Spring 2013 and hope you find something that you like as well. We would love to hear from you if you have any other great suggestions for gear this spring.
So I thought to celebrate Earth Day this year we would post some of our favorite Earth Day inforgraphics. Hopefully these will help spread awareness of some of the earth’s issues and what we can do to help fix them. So please help spread the message and let us all try to live a little “greener” this year.
We have arrived at a very important juncture as our human population continues past seven billion people our footprint is growing larger every day and if we continue to move forward as we are now, we will most certainly find ourselves at an environmental precipice.
Finding the right gear can always be a challenge and finding gear that is designed for women and not just pink can even be more of a challenge. We hope that you are as pleased with our selection as we are. First up is a climbing harness that is made for women who want to get out on the rock while they are pregnant. You have to check it out and let us know what you think about it.
Spring is a great time to start preparing for your summer projects. It is also a great time to head to Indian Creek and Joshua Tree before the weather gets too hot. We have talked with many climbing and outdoor companies to come up with some of our favorite new climbing gear for 2013. This guide is for the men, but the women’s will be right around the corner.
Having the right bag for any vacation is a must. We have found 5 great bags that will help you get your stuff from point A to point B. We have also found clothes that are comfortable and perfect for travelling. Both the Pocket Monkey utility tool and the Beacon Phoenix Speaker which are two of our favorite products for spring 2013. Let us know what you think.
Spring is a great time to get out and enjoy the backcountry. We have rounded up some new gear for 2013 to help get you out the door and enjoying mother nature. We have found products that have been designed for women and not just “shrinked and pinked.” We would also love to hear what your favorite backpacking gear is.
Spring can be a time of unpredictable weather. But spring is also a great time to get out and see the first signs of summer. We have gathered some of the newest pieced of gear to keep you dry and comfortable as well as a couple packs that will carry some essential while on any hike. And the best part is all this gear is specifically designed for women.
Spring has arrived and it is time to dust off your hiking boots and get out and enjoy the spring weather. We have compiled some of our favorite hiking gear for spring. This guide focuses on gear for men’s but ladies don’t think we forgot about you. Our next guide is full of great products for women.
Switch Eyewear might not be the biggest name in the eyewear industry but they are sure making their mark with some great pairs of sunglasses. The Lycan glasses are a great glass for everyday use but they can do so much more. With its full wrap and wide temple design these glasses offer great protection from the sun and wind.
It is now spring and with the warmer weather, hypothermia is the last issue on most people’s minds. However, hypothermia is a life-threatening condition and is still prevalent in the spring when people go out unprepared. So how do you prevent and treat it?
Who ever said that a 3 in 1 jacket needs to be bulky and heavy has never worn the Ultrachange. Columbia has combined a lightweight shell with a lightweight liner jacket to create an “ultra” versatile jacket that will keep you warm and dry in some extreme conditions.
This gear guide is focused on bringing women some of the best gear in snowboarding. Whether you crave powder or the terrain park, this guide has products that will not disappoint. The best part about most of this gear is that it doesn’t lose any functionality while still looking stylish. So find what you need and head to the mountains for some R&R.
Living in Utah has given me plenty of opportunities to test the Teva Chair 5 boots. It has been a cold winter so far here with a descent amount of snow, this is the perfect environment to be able to see just what the Chair 5 can handle. As you will be able to see in this review, Teva is more than a sandal maker and the Chair 5 is not your ordinary winter boot.
In this review we put the Hitcase Pro to the test and see if our iPhone 4s survives as well as take shoot some video with the wide angle lens on the case.
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Running in the winter is always be a bit tougher for me. Not only is it cold but the weather is often times bad and it gets darker earlier in the night. I know for me having the right gear for winter running is essential and one thing that always gets cold are my hands. The Brooks Adapt gloves solve many of the winter running woes.
It was definitely hard for us to choose this year favorite gear and I am sure we left something out. But we limited to 25 of the things that we have used the most through 2012. Most of the items are new for 2012 but a few are great products that will stand the test of time. We have written a full review on a lot of these picks and we have linked them for your reading pleasure. We would love to hear from you on some of your favorites for 2012.
When you go skiing, have you wondered how many calories you have burned on a given day? Well, the folks at REI have created a Skiing Calorie Counter. Although it might now be 100% accurate it is fun to check out what you could burn and what you might be able to eat because of it. And after you have played around with it, get out and enjoy yourself on the sloops.
With three days to go until Christmas, it is time to get serious about finding the perfect gift. The guide is the ultimate stocking stuffer guide. Everything in this guide will cost you less than $25 and most will fit nicely in a stocking. These are some of our favorites that don’t get that much press, but they are worth every penny that you would pay. Look over the guide and get out and find them at your local gear shop.
We have found some great products for less than $50. We feel that you should be able to find a gift for the outdoor adventurer in your life. Tomorrow morning we will be posting our last guide of products that will set you back for even less.
Christmas is about a week away and it is getting to crunch time. I know that we still need to finish up some of our shopping. We have gathered a bunch of great pieces that will set you back less than 75 big ones. If you or you know of someone looking for a lantern you have to check out the LumaSpot Rhythm. I think that you will be impressed.
Finding the right gift for the right person can sometimes be hard to do. We hope that these Christmas gift guide have helped you narrow down some ideas. We still have at least 3 more guides to go before Christmas so check back the next couple days. We even included in this guide a tool for that dad or friend that is a golfer.
Another Christmas Guide to help you with your shopping this holiday season. This guide has new products for 2012 as well as a couple old standbys. We still have a couple more guides that will be coming out before Christmas so check back each day to find that perfect gift.
Finding great gifts at this price is not that hard to do. It was hard for us to choose which products to include and which one to leave out. In this gift guide you will find gear that will make just about anyone on your list. You hvae included goggles, jackets, bags and much, much more. With only a couple weeks left before Christmas it is time to get shopping.
Do you love buying shoes? Or does someone on your Christmas list love shoes? We have you covered. We have found new shoes that will make anyone happy. We have also included socks in this guide as they go hand in hand. We know that the first item is more for fun than sock you would wear. But while your picking up the monkey, pick up some great socks as well.
I know that people always tell you to break in a pair of boots before going on a hike, but I am usually not good to listen to this advice. In my opinion you can tell a lot about a boot the first day out. A hiking boot should be more than just supportive, it should be comfortable as well. The BIOM Hike 1.2 from ECCO shoes is just that.
You still have a couple of weeks to find that perfect gift. This guide is full of great gift that range from $250 to $500. There are plenty of great jackets this year and we have included those. We also have you covered for that extreme cyclist on your list.
Once again we decided that we would help with your holiday shopping and pick out some of the best new gear this year. We know that most people don’t spend over $500 on a Christmas gift but we do that a lot of people buy themselves the gift they really wanted. Over the next couple of weeks we will continue to put out gift guides full of great new products.
Do you hate missing a powder day? Salomon does as well. That is why they created the Powfinder app. Although this app is not new it did get updated just in time for the winter season. So if you are one of those that search for fresh powder all winter long, you will want to download this app to make your life a little easier.
Man’s best friend is always there wanting to please and we are sure deserves something for Christmas. We talked with a few of our favorite companies for dog products to bring you our picks this Christmas. Don’t leave Fido out of the Holiday festivities this year.
You might think a down jacket is a down jacket. It is warm, but just how warm is it, and is it really comfortable? I have found that some jackets are itchy and just don’t fit right. Some down jackets make you look like a marshmallow. Others just don’t really keep you warm enough to make them worth wearing. The Flylow Betty down jacket is nothing like these.
Being part of the ten essentials, there aren’t many things as important as a good light. Small, compact and bright, the UCO Clarus LED Lantern is the perfect light for backpacking or when size and weight matter. The Clarus is a dual purpose light that you can use as either a flashlight or lantern, and all of this at a great price.
Using multiple types of fabrics on one garment has continued to grow among many outdoor companies. Patagonia is one of the companies benefiting from producing great pieces using this method. Patagonia has put some serious thought into this jacket. By using two types of material you get a wider range of functionality out of a given garment. The Nano Puff Hybrid Jacket is the perfect jacket for warmer winter days by itself or used as a layering piece when the temperature drops.
Fall is coming to an end but we didn’t want to leave out our climbing gear guide this fall. There are a lot of great new products to help you reach new heights as well as other to help you stay at the top of your game this winter. Winter is almost here and it will be time to pull out the ice climbing gear. So browse through this guide and find you some new gear, after all Christmas is almost here as well.
The time for action is now. This Saturday, The Front climbing gym is hosting the Send to Defend fundraiser. All proceeds will go to the Salt Lake Climbers Alliance and the Access Fund. For more information check out the below information.
I don’t know if you have ever heard of Korkers but if you have, you probably associate them with being a company that makes wading boots for fishing with interchangeable soles. By using that same interchangeable sole technology, Korkers has developed some great winter boots. The SnowJack is one of these boots and it is an all-round boot for multiple winter activities.
When I reach for a good pair of pants, I look for these jeans. Because of their great style and the incredible comfort, I want to wear them everywhere. The cruiser Jean was designed with “superior T-400® polyester that has great stretch, resists wrinkles, manages moisture well, and provides long life.” I have tested each of these theories and each holds very true.
For me personally this was a great guide to be able to put together. One thing you should know about me is that I love jackets. So being about to see so many great new jackets coming out was exciting. We have testing many of these jackets and others we were able to see at the last Winter OR Show. We have gathered hard shells, down jackets, running specific jackets and everything in between. I hope you enjoy this guide as much as I did putting it together.
Looking for a jacket that you can use and abuse while working in the outdoors? Look no further. This jacket was built with the working professional in mind. So what really makes this jacket so bomber? It features 500-Denier CORDURA® fabric with a DWR finish, which provides protection against abrasions and the elements. As well as 700 fill down to give you the needed warm to work all day out in the cold.
It has been my pleasure to review the Armitage Diaper Bag for Po Campo. Po Campo is a company that started with two ladies who “couldn’t find a functional bike bag to match their stylish personalities.” They have since designed an entire line of great looking and very functional bike bags, accessories, and more. Each is designed to attach to something securely while you ride to your destination.
Fall is coming to an end and winter is quickly approaching. Having the right jacket is key to having a good time in the outdoors. No one likes to be cold or wet when playing outside, and we tried to find jacket to solve that problem. Some of the jackets will keep you dry, others toasty warm, and a few will do both. So read on and let us know if you have some favorites for your winter activities.
Commuting can save money and be good for your health but having the right gear will make all the difference. This guide includes new gear for fall 2012 that will help you get out of your house and to your destination. One problem we had (if you can call it a problem) was narrowing this guide down to just one or two packs for commuting. We come across so many new packs for Fall that we decided to include a few of our favorites. We feel confident that you will be able to find the right pack for your daily commuting needs, as well as other great pieces of gear for commuting.
Fall can be a great time to get out and ride, but it can also be a time for unexpected storms. Being prepared with the right gear will make any ride more enjoyable. We found gear that will help you stay warm during chilly rides to gear that will get you to the store for some groceries. As well as a couple of pairs of glasses to keep your eyes protected from the sun and other elements while out riding.
As the temperature starts to drop this fall, getting the right kind of running gear is important. Over the past year I have had the pleasure to wear a lot of different running gear. In this feature, I wanted to focus on a few pieces from Brooks Running. I have been very impress with the following pieces of clothing and the pair of shoes and would recommend them to anyone.
This is a great guide for those looking to find some great new gear this Fall. This guide has items for both the penny pincher type as well as for those who like the best of the best. But no matter which one you are, the gear in this guide will help you get down the road. With winter fast approaching it is time to get out and enjoy the cool fall air.
Fall is a great time to see the beautiful colors of changing leaves or being able to sit by a fire on a cool night. If you like solitude while doing those two things, backpacking is the solution. You can now get further into the woods or mountains and have the wilderness to yourself or a few friends. This guide is all about great backpacking gear for women. We found some great finds and hope that you enjoy them as well.
Fall is a great time to get out and travel. Summer is over so most people have headed back to work and kids have started school. Some of those overcrowded National Parks are still open minus all the people. This guide is mainly full of new travel bags for 2012, but it does have other products that will make traveling both convenient and comfortable. So plan a trip, pack your bags and remember to have fun.
I know here in Utah the Browns are hungry and hitting hard. Fall can be some of the best fishing of the year. So if you have been waiting for a good time to get out and go fishing there might not be a better time than now. This gear guide is full of fly fishing products for both the beginner and pro. We hope that this guide will inspire you to get out and catch the big one this fall.
Just because it is now fall doesn’t mean you can’t get out and enjoy the water. Our Fall Watersports Guide is full of great gear for those who love to play in the water. Depending on where you live and how cold the water gets, fall can be a great time to get out in the water.
This shoe will not disappoint! I went on a week long summer camp to the High Uinta Mountains in Utah this past month and took these shoes, what a great test. With the amount of free time I had, I was able to do some great trail runs. Like the rest of the PureProject this shoe is comfortable and has great traction for going up and down some steep hills.
When I think of child carriers for bikes, I think of bulky, uncomfortable, not too good looking seats. Ones that attach to your seat and throw your balance in every which way. Needless to say, I have not found one that seems easy to use. The Yepp child seat is different in that it is made with lightweight materials and has several features to make it easy to take your child on a great ride, that you love too!
So you wonder, what a person says about a hat. Usually there is not much to say but it looks nice, or it is comfortable. This hat is a different story. This review will blow your hat off, but not mine. This cap is completely original and hand stitched in the USA!
Are you thinking of getting into bike commuting and thinking what are the best options for carrying extra clothes or other important work items. There are two main options that I use when commuting: either a backpack or panniers. The Hill by Detours makes this decision a little easier as this pannier is full of features to help you transport your items safely and easily.
Are all coolers created equal? I think we all know the answer to that question. But that said what makes some coolers cost $10 and others over $1000. Well in this review I am going to share some of my insights that I learned this summer as well as an in-depth review of the Yeti Tundra 45.
It’s that time again. Get ready for school. Some of you are already in the swing of things, and some still have a few weeks to shop for school. No matter what stage you are in, this article is worth the read. At the Summer Outdoor Retailer we were able to talk to several companies about new and great products for your children to wear to school and everywhere else. Here is a list of our favorites.
This shoe has been awesome. When I first tried this shoe on it had the feel of a nice sock. The way it hugged my foot was very comfortable. One reason this shoe has such a great fit and feel is thanks to Saucony’s FlexFilm technology. FlexFilm is a lightweight yet strong material which allows for fewer layers of material in the upper which in turn gives the shoe a seamless, flexible feel.
Running is a great way to get in shape and for me relieve stress. But I do know that the right shoes make the experience much better. In this guide we have found 4 pairs of road shoes and 3 trail runners. We know that running goes beyond just the right shoes, so we have also added a couple socks and customizable footbeds. We hope that this will inspire you to get out run.
Summer is coming to an end but there are still days left to get out and climb before the crisp fall air sets in. This guide is full of climbing gear to help you maximize this season. We have gathered gear that will help you stay dry in any weather, to shoes that will get you to your next climb. Also if you would like to relive your climbing experience we even included a camera that will help with that. So look over our picks and then get out and climb.
When looking for a tent for backpacking, I want something that is light. That is not the only thing that is important. If it is light but doesn’t last than it is not worth a sense. Also if the weight of a tent was all I cared about I would just take a tarp. Some key features for me are: durability, size, and weight, weatherproof and ease of setting up. In this review I will be going over these key features.
Looking for new shoes this summer? This guide is full of new shoes for summer 2012. Whether you are looking for a new hiking shoe, running shoe or just a shoe to kick around town in, we have you covered. This is our first summer 2012 shoe guide and we will be putting out a couple of shoe guides that are specific to hiking and running. So if you don’t see the shoe of your dreams in this guide, check back soon and see our other guides.
A couple months back I was sent a Geigerrig Rig 500 Hydration Pack to see if the pack really lives up to some of the things that I have heard about it. I was amazed at how much publicity Geigerrig has been getting and how strong some people’s opinions have been when commenting on reviews of the Geigerrig. I thought if people really have these strong of opinions about the Geigerrig, there must be something to it.
Our second to last Father’s Day guide. This one is full of great products that will run you under $200 but are sure to please.
EcoQue 15” Portable Grill
Perfect for the dad that love to barbeque. Energy Efficient, Portable Grills that combine exceptional performance with unparalleled convenience and versatility — with an EcoQue you can grill, bake, fry, roast, boil and even smoke your foods! EcoQue Grills consume up to 75% less fuel than similar sized grills. By utilizing our Energy Efficient Design, the 15” model can cook a meal for six to eight (6-8) people using as few as 16 charcoal briquettes!
If you are looking for a great gift for dad you are definitely going to find something in this guide. Every product in this guide will run you between $100 to $150, but each is worth every penny.
Power Traveller Solarmonkey Adventurer
Perfect for the dad who needs power wherever he goes. The Solarmonkey Adventurer was developed after several years using feedback from real power users in some of the World’s most inhospitable environments.
I hope that these gift guides have been helpful to you our readers. It has been an enjoyable for me to put these guides together for a couple reasons. One many if not all of these products are products that I would love as a Dad. Also it has been great to think about my dad and what he would like and how much he has influenced me to get out and play in the outdoors. We are still taking entries to our giveaway in our first Father’s Day guide. After looking over these great products, check out our other guides and enter here to try and win a sweet EK Kutt Off Belt.
It is now getting closer to crunch time. With only a few days left finding that perfect gift will take all the help you can get. We still have three more guides to go and they are going to be jammed packed with great ideas for dad. This guide is full of gifts that will cost you under $75 and will hopefully inspire dad to get in the outdoors and play. As always we love to hear from you and let us know what you are doing for your dad this Father’s Day.
Looking for the perfect gift for dad soesn’t have to be that hard. We have done most of the leg work for you and now all you have to do is read and decide which product is best for your dad. This guide is full of products that are $50 or less. But we are going to have a few more gift guides over the next week to help you find that perfect gift. So check back often and you might just find something for yourself as well.
Who says you can’t get great gear at a great price? This gift guide is full of gear that is affordable for your dad this Father’s Day. This is the first of a series of Father’s Day Gift guides to help you find that perfect gift for your dad. We love our dads and thank them for getting us to play outside. At a very young age I know that my dad was taking me hiking and skiing and that started a love of the outdoors for me. We would love to hear how your dad has helped you get outside and play more. We have a little incentive for one lucky person who leaves a comment. EK Ekcessories is going to give away one Custom Kutt Off Sport Belt to one of our readers. And all you have to do is leave a comment and this great prize could be yours. See full giveaway rules at the end of the article.
Spring is drawing to an end and summer is on its way. This is going to be our last Spring Gear Guide for 2012, but it is full of great gear to help you get out and play in the water. The gear in this guide is built to last as well as to help protect you and your gear. So check it out and then get out and play. Over the next couple of months we will be posting some of our favorite picks for new summer gear, so check back often.
Anyone that knows me knows I love my phone. Not that I can’t live without it, but I do like to be connected and have the ease of finding a new restaurant or the GPS to find where I am going at my fingertips. I don’t know but I assume the makers of DryCASE feel the same way. That is why they created a case that will protect your phone or any other small electronics from dirt and water.
National parks from California to New Mexico will offer some of the best eclipse-viewing opportunities on May 20 when the first solar eclipse viewable in the U.S. in the last 18 years darkens the sky before sunset.
“This will be spectacular,” said National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. “There are 33 national parks positioned for a great view of the eclipse and six parks – Redwoods National Park and Lassen Volcanic National Park, both in California; Zion National Park in Utah, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Arizona and Chaco Culture National Historical Park and Petroglyph National Monument, both in New Mexico – are at the center of the eclipse path.
This guide is full of great gear that anyone can afford for their adventurous mom. Our moms and all the other women in our lives do so much for us and they deserve to be treated. That said, the best part of this guide is that two companies have offered to give some products away to you our readers. First CLIF Bar is giving away a box of chocolaty goodness and second, EK Ekcessories is going to give away two iCat Reel iT for mom’s iPhone. And all you have to do is leave a comment as to why your mom should win one of these great prizes or why she is the best. See full giveaway rules at the end of the article.
As a mother, and a runner, I have come across a few snags in the road when it comes to winter training. Not only is it icy, but I can’t go out with my children because it’s too cold! With the new Snug² there are no more excuses. If you have a great running stroller, now you have something that keeps your little ones warmer than ever!
Here is a guide for those moms who really LOVE to get out there and get dirty! But of course, they will be doing it in great style using the best gear! If your mom loves packs, tents, sunglasses, and great performance clothing, this is the guide for you. Not only are there things for mom, but even a few things to help mom keep the kids happy. Check out this guide of over gear $100. Keep watching for more guides for a little less dough (under $50 and under $25). Let us know what you think!
Mother’s Day is just over a week away and it is now getting to crunch time. Our moms do so much for us, now we can show our support and love for them. We don’t believe that you have to buy something to do this, but it doesn’t usually hurt when you bring something home. We have 3 more gift guide after this one that will feature other great gear that your mom is bound to love. As always we love to hear from you and your comments.
Does your mom like to workout? Besause this guide is full of products that will help mom enjoy the time at the gym or out on the trail. There are even some products that she could wear out for the evening or bike to work in. For this guide we found products that range between $50 to $75. Over the next couple of days we will continue to post new gift guide full of new gear to help your mom on her next adventure.
With spring in the air, Open Air Life and the League of American Bicyclists, the national organization of bicyclists, announce that May is National Bike Month, May 14-18 is Bike to Work Week and Friday, May 18 is Bike to Work Day. We urge everyone to bike to work or try cycling for fun, fitness or transportation. Andy Clarke, President of the League of American Bicyclists, said, “Biking to work is an efficient and fun way to get the exercise you need, without having to find extra time to work out. And this year, with gasoline prices as high as they are, biking to work makes more sense than ever.”
Not all women like shoes as the stereo type would have us all think. But I do know most women do appreciate good shoes that let them achieve top performance. So for Mother’s Day this year, find your mom the shoe that will fit her lifestyle and activities that she loves to do. We have included 11 shoes and 5 different socks that we believe are winners in this guide, but as we all know there are hundreds more out there to pick. As Mother’s Day gets closer we hope that these gift guides will be able to help you show your mom or wife just how much you love her.
The first of a series of Mother’s Day gift Guides designed to help you find that perfect gift for Mom. This guide is full of bags that will help mom in a varity of activities from traveling to going to the farmer market. So keep checking back for the next week to find that perfect gift. Time is running short before Mother’s Day and if you are anything like us here at Open Air Life, you might just wait til the last day. Hopefully these guide will make shopping for your mom just a little easier.
High Sierra Carry-On Wheeled Backpack with Removable Day Pack
In part 2 of our Spring 2012 Camping Gear Guide, we looked for gear that would perform and make your camping trip a little more like home. We even included both a shower and a toilet. We included a few different tent options from family to a 2 person. We love to get in the backcountry and rough it as much as the next person, but there are times that a little convenience and comfort can go a long way. We hope that if you are not a big camper, take a look at these items and see that camping doesn’t have to be cold, wet and miserable. And if you are a big camper, we are sure you will love the gear we have chosen.
Today Columbia announced the launch of GPS PAL™, a free mobile app for iPhone and Android designed to help people rapidly journal their outdoor experiences. GPS PAL gives you the ability to record and share memorable outdoor experiences. Enjoy and explore the outdoors freely and now you can preserve your journey and your memories with GPS PAL.
The first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life to speak out against the deterioration of the environment and demand change. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency was created, the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts were passed, and the modern environmental movement was born.
Today, more than 1 billion people in 192 countries participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. This year, in the face of global inaction on pressing environmental problems, we must harness that power.
Earth Day Network is calling upon individuals, organizations, businesses and governments to Mobilize the Earth™ and demand that environmental issues become a top priority.
Open Air Life is joining the mobilization.
We here at Open Air Life believe that everyone needs clothes that both look good and perform. That is why we have found products that you can wear to the office, to the store or out for the night. If all you have are t-shirts and zip off pants/shorts, then you should check out the follow products and find something that will work for you. Some of these products do more then look good but can be used on or off the trail. Here’s to looking good.
The new Gerber Steady is built for the urban or weekend warrior. This multi-tool has 12 different components that I believe are the essentials for most jobs with an added benefit. The best part of this tool is that it converts into a tripod, so you will never have to miss being in the summit photo with the group or the early sunrise where you need a steady hand for a great picture. All this in one tool that packs small and feels great with the rubberized coating.
Now that the temperature has started to rise and the snow has mostly stopped, spring is a great time to get back on the bike and start riding it to work or to the store. The one thing about commuting to work is starting with the right gear to use. I have found that many people stop or just don’t try because they get frustrated with what they are using to commute with. I am not saying you need to buy a new bike, but I am saying you might have to add some upgrades to your existing ride to make it more enjoyable and functional. We here at Open Air Life love riding our bikes and this guide is full of products that will help get you from point A to B with more functionality and less hassle. So dust off your bike and take it for a short spin, you will be glad you did.
Liberty Bottleworks has been making custom bottles for brands and organizations across the country since the company was founded in 2010. But until this year, it wasn’t possible for artistic consumers to order a single Made-in-the-USA recycled aluminum bottle with their own design printed using Liberty’s one-of-a-kind cylindrical digital printer. Now, thanks to a new partnership with online customizing powerhouse Zazzle, individual consumers can have their artwork printed on Liberty bottles in quantities as low as one bottle. Now, thousands of customers have printed everything from grainy photos of grandma to their own version of van Gogh.
Hydro Flask, an award winning bottle for a reason! Just recently Hydro Flask received the Best of Bend Award for the quality product they produce. This award program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country and its primary focus is on quality. After testing several Hydro Flask products, we at Open Air Life congratulate Hydro Flask on this well-deserved award! Their newest venture, a wide mouthed insulated bottle is yet another success in our eyes as well.
Spring is a great time to start your training program. I know for me that it can be hard to get out in the winter, but when spring comes around it is like a new life. With longer days, added sunshine and warmer temperatures, running is quite enjoyable. We tried to find new products coming out this spring that will help you reach your peak performance. We just want to encourage you to get out while the temperatures are still pleasant and not in the 100s.
If you are looking for a down jacket that will keep you warm in artic temperatures, then you need to look elsewhere. But if you want a jacket that packs down small, is lightweight and is a great insulator, then the MicroTherm Down Hoodie is the jacket for you. This jacket is a lot thinner than the old puffy that you have in your closet, but don’t let that fool you. This jacket is packed with features that will help keep you warm and dry.
When I go out for a run, there is nothing better than plugging in your tunes and simply hitting the pavement. Let’s face it, when your shoes are uncomfortable, your cold, or you have no place to stash your tunes, any run can become simply annoying. This is NOT the case with Saucony running gear. Saucony was kind enough to let me test out three running pieces that I think you will Love! Saucony Women’s Cortana Shoe, Women’s Transition Sportop II, and their Women’s Nomad Jacket.
The National Park Service and the National Park Foundation, the official charity of America’s national parks, invite people everywhere to enjoy, explore, learn, share, and give back to America’s nearly 400 national parks during National Park Week 2012. Celebrating the theme, “Picture Yourself in a National Park,” National Park Week will run from Saturday, April 21 through Sunday, April 29. Throughout the country, visitors can enjoy the beauty and wonder of 84 million acres of the world’s most spectacular scenery, historic places and cultural treasures for FREE!
“Soul Brand” of the outdoor industry, Gramicci, today announced the re-launch of the lifestyle and technical apparel company website, Complete with a range of new functionality and content, the site reflects the brand’s free-spirited history with an energy that captures Gramicci’s growing following with younger demographics.
Now that spring is here in full force, we thought it was time to post our picks for spring 2012 hiking shoes. When out hiking this spring you need to be prepared for different types of weather, from snow to dry and hot. Most likely if you are hiking in the mountains you encounter spring runoff, which means mud. With those things in mind, we have gathered shoes that are waterproof to thwart of the snow and water and shoes that are breathable to wear when it is hot and dry. Included are men’s specific shoes, shoes that are available in both men’s and women’s and the last 6 shoes are women’s specific. Look the guide over and then give a pair or two a try. Happy feet make a happy trip.
Mountain Khakis and Grand Targhee Resort have teamed up with select outdoor brands to launch the “Targhee Fest & Fly Fishing Vacation” Sweepstakes package. The sweepstakes kicked off yesterday, April 3rd and will run through Tuesday, April 24th. One grand prize winner plus guest will win a 5-day/4-night adventure package at Grand Targhee Resort located on the western slope of the Tetons in Alta, WY. Prize package is valued at $4758, and includes passes to the Targhee Music Festival, privately-guided fly fishing with WorldCast Anglers, a Mountain Khakis wardrobe, and amazing gear from premier outdoor brands.
Spring is a great time to get out backpacking. It is a great time to get into the backcountry and see the flowers start to bloom. With the snowfall this year, we might even be able to get back into mountains a little earlier. We filled this guide up with gear that will save you weight in your pack and gear that will power your electronics wherever you are. If you know of gear that we left out, let us know and we would love to hear in the comments what other gear we could have included.
The first you will read on Magellan’s website about the eXplorist 310 is ”The Magellan eXplorist 310 GPS receiver comes packed with tons of helpful features and is ready to use right out of the box.” That was an intriguing statement to me as I feel that most companies say something like that about almost every product that they sell. So with that statement in mind I started testing the eXplorist 310 to check and see just what features this GPS came with.
Climbing is one of our passions here at Open Air Life, so it was harder for us to narrow down the field of new climbing products. This is by far our biggest gear guide including over 20 pieces of gear to look at and crave. As we all know the weather can change at any time and spring snow or showers are always on the horizon. We have included gear to help keep you warm and dry even if the temperature drops or the rain starts. We have also included 3 new approach shoes in this guide, with the Vasque Rift having a men’s and women’s specific models. We hope that this guide will inspire you to get out a little earlier this spring and get climbing.
Do you love your Chacos? When the weather turns nice do you put them on and wear them all summer long? If this describes you, you are definitely a Chaconian and you will love to know that you can now get custom Chacos just for you. And even if you are not as hard core or loyal as the Chaconians, getting custom Chacos that fit you doesn’t get any easier. If you are a Chaconians or Non-Chaconians the following information will let you know how and what you will have to do to order your custom Chacos.
Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City and the United States Forest Service present Wasatch Canyons Today. The symposium will provide an environment to discuss a variety of issues that affect our Wasatch Canyons. Those issues include sanitation, road design, construction and maintenance, building code enforcement, water quality monitoring, addresses, planning and zoning, snow plowing, and more. The wide variety of day-to-day public services and the challenges we face in meeting public service needs sparked the idea for a community public forum.
To start off I must say that luckily for me I have not had to use an emergency blanket or the Blizzard Survival bag in an actual emergency but I do know the value of having one. The Blizzard Survival brand of emergency protection gear has done a nice job in creating a product that works. Their thermal protection products have a lightweight and compact design, making them ideal for taking with you on a hike, climb or even have in an emergency preparedness kit.
Spring is here and we here at Open Air Life are excited to get out hiking. This guide is full of gear that will make your spring hiking a little bit better. We start this guide with some great shoes for our feet. After all our feet are what will carry us all those miles that we hike. We will also be putting out a shoe guide in the coming weeks of some of the new hiking shoes coming out spring 2012. We hope this guide will encourage and excite you to get out this spring and find a new hike.
Springtime is a great time to start planning or even going on your next great adventure. We have contacted hundreds of companies this spring looking for the best gear to include in our Spring 2012 Gear Guides. We hope that you find the information in this guide useful. Most of us seem to need our electronics, so a few of these products will help your electronics travel better, and at the same time give you peace of mind. Happy Traveling!
GPS’s, Heart Rate monitors, pacers, etc are just a few of the new and improved gadgets that you will find on any runner these days. When I started running a few years ago, I just went out and ran. I thought I did pretty well. Then I got all excited to start training for my first half marathon. As any runner would, I wanted to track my progress, so I got a watch and found out I wasn’t the runner I thought I was. It was pretty disheartening to see that I was slow and my heart rate was really high. I worked hard to change these things, but I was glued to my watch, rather than the run.
We thought we would post this gear guide towards the first of spring in order to help us get out and start training earlier. This gear guide is packed with 11 new shoes for 2012. The first 9 are designed for running trails and the last 3 are for the road. We know shoes are a personal thing to many people, so we suggest that you look over the guide and find what shoes might work for you, then head over to your local running company and try them on. We also tried to indicate if the style were men’s only, women’s only or both.
With winter coming to an end and spring on its way, it is now time to start looking forward to what is new for spring 2012. Our first guide of spring is going to be camping. If you are looking for a new tent or a sleeping bag we have listed both. We will be posting spring gear guides for the next couple of months, so check back often to see all the other categories that we cover. Also we always welcome any questions or comments. If you have a specific thing you are looking for and cannot find it, make a comment and we will try to get you an answer.
Looking for a headlamp and overwhelmed by all the options? The Irix by Icon is a solution for those people who are looking for a headlamp that can be dialed in for a certain light output. This headlamp come loaded with features, one being the oversized dial on top of the light to easily control the output levels of the light from 5-35 lumens. The dial is even big enough to use while wearing gloves.
If you climb you have most likely heard of Hueco Tanks, and all of the great bouldering that is there. Well this weekend you have the opportunity to help perserve the area. The 19th Annual Hueco Rock Rodeo, presented by Adidas Outdoor and The Hueco Valley Foundation, will take place at Hueco Tanks State Park and Historic Site in El Paso County, Texas. All will gather to support environmental stewardship by raising money for the Hueco Tanks State Park’s Lone Star Legacy Trust Fund. There will be clinics, workshops, videos, and slideshows.
We have all heard about the problem with some plastic bottles having BPA in them. So to combat this, there have been several companies that have come out with glass bottles. Lifefactory is just one of these companies. But there are some unique things that Lifefactory has done with their bottles.
Have you always wanted your artwork to be printed on something? Or would you love to help an environmental organization, but have limited funds to do so? Well Liberty Bottleworks can help you out on both accounts. So break out your sharpies, colored pencils, Macbook Pros or colored crayons: Liberty Bottleworks is taking artwork submissions for a limited edition Earth Day 2012 bottle.
Do you love wearing flip flops? Do you hate freezing feet when going out in the winter in flip flops? Well, Teva might have a solution for you. With super light EVA foam as a sole and a canvas upper, the Mush Frio Lace Canvas is a lightweight shoe that will protect your foot from some of the cooler days.
The rugged Eton Raptor Solar Charger/Radio is a jammed pack with features for the outdoor adventurer. This solar charger is built with many all-terrain guidance functions which include: compass, altimeter and barometer. This all done in a splash proof case that has a built in bottle opener for the post activity celebration.
Salomon USA is pleased to announce the opening of Salomon’s first Flagship store in the United States. The Salomon store will be located in the City Creek Shopping Center in downtown Salt Lake City. Salomon was founded in 1947 in the heart of the French Alps. Since then, they have been creating innovative products to enhance the performance of outdoor athletes.
The down jacket is not a new idea, but Columbia has added a twist to the Reach the Peak Hybrid Down Jacket. When you first see the jacket it looks a lot like other down jackets until you really start looking it over. There are a few main differences from your traditional down jacket.
I was very curious to what the Q Knot Pro could do when I received the package of them from the company. When I first saw the design and applications for the Q knot I was intrigued. The Q Knots are a multi-purpose reusable ties that are a great solution to keeping cords or other itemed bundled and secure.
I was skeptical about this review. When I saw the coat online, I wasn’t sure it was the type of coat I would really frequently wear. Then the package showed up and I put on the coat. I was HOOKED! I have to say I really felt quite cute in the jacket, and boy was it warm. I am impressed how a few more inches on a coat can really keep you just that much warmer.
We had to have a part 2 of the Best of the Outdoor Retailer Show because there were that many great new products this year. And in reality this is barely scraping the top of what new things are going to be coming out in the fall. We hope that you will continue to check back on our site to see updates of new gear and reviews of that gear. 2012 is going to be a busy year here at Open Air Life.
The 2012 Winter Outdoor Retailer Show was a hit. With thousands of outdoor minded people and over a thousand companies, there was plenty to see and some great new innovations and cool pieces of gear to play with. It was hard to narrow it down to just a few of our favorites as we could have picked many more, but we felt like these are some of the newest products that one might want or need. As always we would love to hear from you.
When traveling one must try to decide what is needed and what to leave behind. The people at ExOfficio are always looking for ways to get the most out of a garment. Why pack multiple items, when one piece of clothing will work for the whole trip. The Storm Logic fits perfectly into the category of only needing one piece to work for a whole trip.
Looking for gear to last you through a few seasons? Looking to stay warm and dry? Look no further, the gear in this guide will do just that. Whether in the backcountry or at the resort, this gear will perform. Now all you have to do is pray for more snow and then enjoy.
Sperry has a great variety of shoes on the market. The first pair I had was the SON-R Bungee. It is a fantastic shoe that works well for hiking, but made specifically for being durable and comfortable going in and out of water. I used them for many months taking them canoeing, kayaking, and hiking. However, the one complaint I did have was they can get rocks in them from openings in the side of the shoes.
Even though we all say that we want to get away on an adventure without any electronics, how often does that really happen? Some of us have business that we have to stay in contact with while others may want to just be able to talk to friends or family. Realistically, there are quite a few electronic things that travellers use often.
One of my top priorities when heading outdoors to play during the winter is making sure I have a good pair of gloves to keep my hands warm and dry. And the Zeus gloves did just that, provided both warm and dryness so I could focus on what I was doing and not worrying about my hands being warm.
One of the toughest parts about camping and hiking for long periods of time is finding what you are going bring for food. Is it light and will it fit in the pack? Will it fill me up? Will it give me the energy I need to conquer? Bridgford makes a great product that kept me satisfied for all of those questions.
Winter has set in and the cold has arrived in a lot of areas. Having the right gear this winter while climbing will make all the difference. We have chosen new gear and also some classic gear that will make going out this winter climbing season a lot more comfortable and fun. Also if you are new to climbing, as always, we recommend that you get some training and then head out and have a good time.
Christmas is 3 days away and you are still wondering what to get someone. Well this guide is full of gear that is great for any winter adventure. This is our last gift guide of the year. We hope that the gift guides this year made your shopping just a little easier. As always, we would love to hear your comments. Happy Holidays!
So you’re thinking about buying some snowshoes and you don’t know what to look for……..let’s talk!
Jake Thamm, President and Co-founder of Crescent Moon Snowshoes talks about what to consider when buying a pair of shoes. He goes on saying, “Crescent Moon’s main focus is the binding – we believe this is the most important part of any snowshoe, regardless of all other considerations, but we’ve already made the case, so we won’t go there for this discussion.”
There are only a few more days til Chirstmas and we still have two more gift guide left. This one for products under $100 and the next one for products over $100. It was hard to pin down just a few great pieces of gear for these two guide but I hope that it will help you finish any of your last minute shopping. It might just give you some ideas of what you are going to buy for yourself after Christmas.
While at the Summer Outdoor Retail show I was able to visit several great venders. Each vender had so many great products, but what intrigued me most was the variety of bags that were available. The three venders that I would like to highlight each sell bags with very different uses. The first vender, Overland Equipment, sells bags that are more for everyday use, with features for traveling, electronics, or just for toting the essentials. Next is STM Bags, an entire line of bags geared toward your technology. Lastly, Kiva Bags for your innovative travel bags.
Out looking for the perfect gift but don’t want to spend a ton of money? This guide is full of gear and products that you can get for under $25. A lot of these products can be used as stocking stuffers or just great gifts on their own.
Almost everyone now is tied to some kind of electronic device, and lets face it most of them now have a touch screen. The problem with touch screens in the winter is normally you have to remove your glove to operate the device and that can be cold. And if you are anything like me, you will be checking emails or answering your phone even when it is cold outside.
Christmas is almost here and kids love Christmas. This guide is full of gear that will make your kid’s outdoor adventures more enjoyable. Also some of these products will make your outdoor adventures with them a lot easier. I know for me and my family, anything to make getting outdoors a little easier and lot more fun, always helps.
Now that winter is here and the temperature has dropped finding the right gear for you dad or husband is important. Most of the products listed here will help dad stay warm this winter, as others will just have him looking good. And if your dad has ever thought about fly fishing or loves it already the last few products will sure to be winners.
Our Moms, wives or the women in our lives deserve the best gear out there. In this gift guide we have compiled some of the best gear to help any woman get out and play hard in the outdoors while still looking good. We hope that this guide will make your Christmas shopping for mom, wife or any other woman, a little easier. Next guide: Dads.
WHAT: Salt Lake City-based non-profit Gear to Grow is hosting a gear sale on Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011 to celebrate the kick-off of the winter season. Gently used outdoor apparel and equipment, including jackets, snowboards, and boots, will be available for sale at a discounted rate. Proceeds raised from the sale will directly benefit the Gear to Grow program and its operations expenses.
This is the last of the Fall Gear Guides for 2011. But the products and gear in this guide are just as capable to handle anything that winter can throw at them. The products here will make your traveling not just more enjoyable, but also weary free. Also the clothing is both fashionable yet functional, this being a must when traveling. As always we would love to hear what you have to say about the products and information here. And now bring on winter!
I have recently had the pleasure of using one of Overland Equipment Shoulder Bags called the Sierra. I have been using this bag as a diaper bag for my three children and it really fits the bill! The Sierra is “a generous size tote, built to organize all your essentials in the front, and all the extra things you need to carry to enjoy your day.” There are several noteworthy features of this tote that I would like to mention.
With fall drawing to a close and winter approaching quickly our last couple of fall guides will be focusing on gear that can take you from fall to winter. First up is shoes and socks. Our feet usually take a beating and having good footwear and socks are a must. As always feet are different, go and try some of these products on and find the ones that work and feels the best for you.
Fall can be a great time to get out on a bike. It is a little cooler and if you are lucky enough you might be able to run a few trails through the fall colors. This guide is gear that you can use when riding some sweet single track or riding through the busy downtown to get to work. Either way the better your gear is the more enjoyable the ride will be.
Looking to still get in a few more days at the crag this fall? This guide is full of gear that will help you reach your full potential this fall while still doing it in comfort and style. There are a couple new belay devices that are worth looking into as well as a tent that is changing how tent poles are designed and constructed. So climb on.
Fall is a great time to get out and see the fall colors. That said, with temperatures dropping and weather that could change anytime, being prepared is a must. The gear featured here will help you prepare for whatever Mother Nature might throw at you. Or at least make your fall camping trips a lot more enjoyable. First up are sleeping bags.
Fall is a great time to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. I love fall because the temperature drops and the summer heat gives way to brisk mornings and cool evenings. For me it has always been a lot more enjoyable to run in 50-60 degrees compared to 90-100 degrees. That said, if one is not prepared for it to be a little cooler, running outside can be miserable. Having the right gear can make or break the best fall training plan. The products in this guide are geared to help you succeed at your fall training plan and help you get out and run.
The trail I picked next is the Willow Heights Trail. This is about a two mile round trip hike that leads to a mountain lake. This is probably the hardest of the easy hikes I am going to write about. It could be border line moderate. I have lived here in Utah for a long time and have hiked most of the trails up Big Cottonwood canyon but this is one hike I hadn’t done. After reading a couple of descriptions of this hike, I thought it would be a great one to try. My wife picked me up from work one evening and we headed up the canyon to give it a try.
The Inertia XL is a light and comfortable sleeping pad that packs down small. This is not the first sleeping pad that I have reviewed from Klymit, but it is the most comfortable. I will be upfront that I loved the Inertia X-Frame or this pad’s “little brother” for its size and weight. That said the Inertia XL is a great option for those who want just a little more comfort and can sacrifice a little weight.
The Jakpak is a jacket that converts into a tent and a sleeping bag. I reviewed the first Jakpak about a year and a half ago. The makers of the Jakpak have improved many of the issues that the first design had, making this design much better.
I am an outdoor fanatic who loves to do anything and everything adventure can offer. I have spent much time on my own and working with others in the water, the air, or in the mountains. One of the most important pieces of equipment to have no matter where you go is good footwear. The Sperry Top-Sider SON-R Bungee is designed for water sports, but it handles well in diverse situations.
I have been commuting back and forth from work on and off for over a year now. One thing that I have learned over that time is that a good pack is essential to successfully commuting to work. The Cicada 28L by Eagle Creek is a pack that is built and designed to commute. Eagle Creek put a lot of thought into developing and designing this pack. If you are riding the train or bus to work or riding your bike, the Cicada 28L will not disappoint.
A headlamp is a just a headlamp, RIGHT? Not really anymore. The headlamp has come a long way since the first headlamps used by miners. With so many options out there to choose from, it is important to look for features that you want or need in a headlamp. The Fenix HL20 is a great all-around headlamp for anyone going into the backcountry.
The Peak 2 Peak is a great hard shell for almost any conditions. The jacket was designed to be used in any high-alpine situation. One thing that I noticed right out of the box was how lightweight yet durable this jacket felt. Being part of the Titanium series in the Columbia line, this jacket is built for high-energy outdoor activities.
The Taku was built to be fast and durable. If you have ever hiked in the Breeze GTX by Vasque you will love the feel of the Taku. The Taku is a full leather version of the best-selling Breeze GTX. The Taku features waterproof protection, yet is lightweight and supportive. Vasque takes all the good qualities of the Breeze and made the Taku a little more durable.
This summer if you are running on the road or through the woods, the following products could make your runs a little more enjoyable. We searched for some of the gear that has impressed us this year. The gear in this guide is definitely worth checking out to see if it will be a good fit for you. Throughout this guide we will indicate if the product comes in a male or female specific version. Hope this guide comes in handy while out looking for some new running gear.
I have used the basic ATC for more than 10 years, and was very interested in the look and design of the ATC Guide. So I went to the store and picked one up. I was impressed straight from the start. It is as easy to use as the ATC but has so much more to offer. When my wife is belaying me the grooved sides give her more control and stopping power.
Rest…’s time for a nap! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
As much as it feels like you need to get your training in, you need to remember that your body needs rest. While you are pounding the pavement, remember your joints need rest too. It might seem like you will get out of your mojo, but in fact you will become a stronger and more healthy runner. Just remember, rest doesn’t always mean go lay in bed, on the couch, or my favorite the bench swing in the back yard.
As I have been running for about three years now, I have seemed to get bored of the same run over and over. I run up the street around Walmart and back home. A good run no doubt, but it can get old in a hurry. There are many training programs out there and if you follow any of the marathon training programs, you know you have to put in a lot of miles. If you are like me, there is not enough time in the day. So I have some suggestions.
We have had a hard time narrowing this last guide down. We have included gear that works great for camping, climbing, hiking and even to play in the water. We hope that with all the choices that we have provided with these three gear guides that you will be able to find dad that special gift for Father’s Day. We here, at Open Air Life would like to thank our dads for taking us out in the great outdoors early in our lives.
Vasque Scree
Second up in the Father’s Day series is the lifestyle gear guide. The gear featured in this guide is tough enough to handle anything the outdoors can dish out, but is designed to look good as well. Dad shouldn’t have to look bad while enjoying the outdoors.
Freestyle Hammerhead XL
If dad is looking for a watch that can handle the water, look no further. The Hammerhead XL is built to last.
We are going to be starting this series of Father’s Day Gear Guides with cycling gear. We had so much success with our Mother’s Day Gear Guide that we decided that we would do a few different Father’s Day guides to include a few more products. This way we can categories the guides better and not create one huge guide. So keep coming back to see what other gear your dad might just need, and if you are anything like me, maybe the gear you need as well.
05.11.2011–This is it! There are only two weeks left to gather clues and find the spectacular cache of outdoor gear, hidden somewhere in North America. The Grand Prize, worth $15,000, includes a 2011 SylvanSport GO, and an array of fantastic outdoor gear from the sponsor partners.
May 04, 2011 – WICHITA, Kan. – May 3, 2011 – The Gear Junkie, a well-known online product review and news website for the outdoor industry, presents ‘The CORDURA® brand Search for the Most Durable Person’ contest. Running from May 1-31, the contest encourages outdoor enthusiasts to submit anecdotes telling why they believe they are a durable person. The grand-prize winner will receive an all-expense-
For Mother’s Day this year, we thought we would showcase some of our favorite women specific gear. Women specific gear is getting better and better. Men are not the only ones with top end gear. We hope this buyers guide will make your Mother’s Day shopping a little easier for the adventure seeking mom in your life. We thank our moms for all the support and encouragement they gave us to get out and play in the great outdoors.
Commuting is a great way to help save money, gas and the environment. It can also be a great way to add a workout to your daily grind. In this gear guide we are going to be covering products that will make commuting a little more enjoyable and a lot more functional. Now that the weather is getting a little warmer, we challenge you to get out a little more and try to ride to work once or twice.
BOULDER, COLO. (April 8, 2011) – Exotic locations, breath-taking scenery, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences await three lucky winners in the co-sponsored Sierra Designs and Alaska Mountain Guides ‘A Year of Adventure’ sweepstakes.
Whether going out for a day hike or going for a multi-day excursion in the backcountry, there are a few items that should always be packed. These items have been summarized into what is known as the ten essentials. The ten essentials date back to the 1930’s and were created by The Mountaineers, a Seattle-based outdoor organization.
Valentine’s Day. Week nine in Patagonia. Day nine in a snow cave. Dean and I haven’t spoken a word since we woke up. This is hands-down the most unromantic day of my life. I drop tears silently. I hate Dean. I hate Patagonia. I fantasize about being in a nice clean house, with a nice clean boyfriend who has just brought me a huge, lovely smelling bouquet of flowers. I am certain that at this very moment every girl in the Western world is wearing a dress and being showered with valentine gifts. I’ve been in this one-piece suit for months. Yesterday I took off my shell pants, and the coating was rotted out inside the crotch. I always thought that was just a figure of speech. Why am I here? I hate this snow cave. I hate myself. I hate everything. I can’t believe I’m wasting my twenties like this. I lie corpselike in my damp sleeping bag and soak the top with tears, adding to the condensation problem and filling the bivy tent with a cloud of misery and self-pity. Dean is comatose. I can’t even imagine good weather anymore.
If you are looking for a compact headlamp that can deliver some of the same features as bigger lights, look no further. I have owned the original Zipka for years now and have loved it. I decided I would upgrade to the Zipka Plus 2 and see how it matched up and performed to the original. The Zipka has always been my go to light when traveling or when I thought that I might be out into the dark. It is small enough to throw in a pack and be there just in case.
The winter Outdoor Retailer Show was bigger than ever and there was plenty to see. One thing in abundance at the show were footwear options. Some of my favorite picks of new footwear coming out are incluced in this article. Look for my favorite shoes, socks and one product for recovery. It was difficult to choose from so many styles and varieties, but here I go.
Don’t be fooled by these little lights. I have been using these lights now for a while and they work great. One of the best features is how easy they are to install and use. The BikeLit does come in two colors: white which attaches to the front brake cables and red which attaches under the back of the seat. One nice advantage of these lights is that no tools are required to install or adjust them.
The “Ten Essentials’—the ten items that every hiker should carry—is a good basic emergency kit that has stood the test of time. But that doesn’t mean it has to weigh you down on the trail. Karen Berger, author of Hiking Light Handbook, provides the following tips to minimize the load you carry.
The Outdoor Retailer show has always delivered an abundance of new and exciting gear, this show was no different. Over the next few days I will be posting articles that contain some of our favorite picks from the Winter OR Show. Most of this gear is not out yet and will be coming out in Fall 2011. I will try to put the availability of each product so you can put it on your calendar. I will aslo be following up some of the products with full featured gear reviews of how each product preforms.
As a mother of two young children who loves the outdoors, I try to get out for a hike any time I can. My husband has usually been the pack goat for our oldest son, and I have been able to pack my daughter on numerous hikes. This past year, my daughter has grown out of her baby pack. We tried putting her in the larger pack and letting my son hike up the mountain. Needless to say there was a lot of complaining on that “long” 1-mile hike.
The Inertia X Frame sleeping pad has been one of the most fun gear reviews that I have done. Everywhere I have taken this pad people have looked at it and wondered what is was and then if it worked. I have had a dozen or so people try it out for themselves and tell me what they think. I have also slept on it many times to see how comfortable it really is. I have yet to see someone that was not impressed by what the saw and felt.
First, to get started on some basic information about this pad. It is the lightest inflatable sleeping pad that I have seen, weighing only 9.1 ounces. (10.1 ounces if you include the dry air pump.) The pad also rolls down to the size of a can of soda.
From the start I was impressed by the design and look of the Rogue 1 from ICON. I have now been using it for about 5 months and it has worked great. This light works great on a morning run or for looking for a toy under the couch. The open architecture design feels great in the hand and makes it easy to secure the supplied lanyard. The rogue 1 has two light output settings: 50 lumens and 6 lumens. It is a breeze to swtich from one ouptut to the other but clicking the tailcap. The Rogue is also a tough little light. It has been dropped, left out in the cold and chewed on by my kids, and still works great. It has an O-ring to keep out moisture and making it waterproof to 1 meter.
With the abundance of options available, choosing the right skiing equipment can be overwhelming. Sorting through the myriad of skis, boots, bindings, and poles is a challenge for beginners and experienced skiers alike. Steve Hindman, author of Cross-Country Skiing: Building Skills for Fun and Fitness, offers some tips for finding the equipment that matches your interests and skill level.
Even when the landscape is covered in snow, there are a few easy principles you can follow to minimize your impact on the environment.
Snow Camping
Even though the nights are cold and long, try to resist the urge to have a campfire. During winter, when all downed wood is buried under the snow and the only available fuel is tree branches, fires are a bad idea. As a “warm glow” alternative, bring plenty of fuel for your stove and try candle lanterns.
Upon leaving camp, dismantle your snow shelter and fluff up the white stuff so that visitors coming after you can enjoy a natural setting.
Traditional wood-frame (Yukon, Ojibwa, Beavertail, Bearpaw)? The smaller, modern metal Western frame with high toe-turnup? Or a lower-priced, colorful plastic frame? There are many snowshoe models on the market and the choices can seem overwhelming. Dave Felkley, editor of Snowshoeing: From Novice to Master, 5th Edition has some suggestions to help beginners.
When I first heard about this technology I was intrigued. A product that doesn’t stink after multiple uses. I received a shirt the first week in August at the Outdoor Retailer Show to test and review. For the last couple of months I have been using the shirt seeing if I could get it to smell. I wore it hiking miles in the Wasatch Front, climbing all day long, biking and running. The first few times using it, I was impressed. No matter how much I had sweat or stunk, the shirt didn’t smell.
Half the shirt is treated with Agion Active and the other half is untreated to be able to see if the technology works. After using the shirt a couple of times, I had an idea on how to test it. I wouldn’t wash it for a few weeks and wear it while I commuted to work and back on my bike. The commute is 16 miles one-way, I would be getting plenty sweaty and stinky on the ride. This would be a great way to test it. I told some co-worker of my plan and they thought it would be a great idea and test. So I started.
Ellen Morris Bishop knows how to keep a dog happy, healthy, and safe on the trail. After all, she and her own dogs, Meesha and Dundee, hiked more than 750 miles in their research for Best Hikes with Dogs: Oregon. Here are the Ten Canine Essentials she suggests you pack when you take your pooch into the wilderness.
· Obedience training. Before you set foot on a trail, make sure your dog will obey your commands when faced with other hikers, other dogs, wildlife, and an assortment of strange scents and sights in the backcountry. A dog that can’t behave should be left at home.
October 13, 2010, Irvine, CA – Hold on to your bananas folks! Sanuk has just captured monkeyman Daniel Woods and added him to their world-class team of climbers. Raised by a tribe of hairless, albino chimpanzees, Daniel Woods developed a passion for climbing at an early age. After years spent fighting for the ripest banana on the tree, Daniel developed an obsession for climbing (not to mention some weird grooming habits). Upon capture, Sanuk transported Daniel back to civilization where he was nursed into society with a series regular sponge baths (for fleas) and heavy doses of motivational VHS tapes from the 80s.
Salomon is introducing the XR Crossmax. This is Salomon’s answer to those looking for the perfect “door to trail” high mileage training shoe. The XR provides the best of both running and trail running needs. “If trails are part of your training program, then this is your shoe.” The XR comes in the “Guidance” style for pronators, and the “Neutral” style for neutral runners.
I’ve kayaked in the Pacific Northwest for about 15 years, and conclude you can be exposed to a lot of great scenery with a low ‘hassle factor’ in several places throughout Oregon and Washington, without the added expense or time of venturing up to Canada. That being said, if you do want to invest the extra time and money, Vancouver Island, B.C. and the myriad of islands that surround it is a great kayaking destination. If you want a little summer in your winter, the Sea of Cortez in Baja, Mexico is a good trip, too. But more on that man`ana.
Maybe I’m just a cranky, old-school guy, a non-conforming Libertarian. Don’t know what category to place me, but I rarely endorse a certain brand of outdoor gear. I get asked to do so often – to recommend a tent or backpack, a jacket, harness, or rope. I always resist, because gear is so personal it seems. What works for me may not work for someone else. The stuff I use is all over the board: cheap stuff, quality gear, long-term, short-lived. My favorite camp-cup was a lime-green plastic cheapo I’d had since childhood – it lasted 15 years.
If you want to get outdoors with your kids, but have no idea what to plan or bring, here’s the book for you. A fellow mother who learned it all by trial and error wrote Babes in the Woods: Hiking, Camping & Boating with Babies & Young Children. “With a lifelong love of being in the outdoors, I couldn’t wait to plan a backpacking trip with my first baby,” says author Jennifer Aist.
The inside outside look into socks. There are many different types of socks; different thicknesses, sizes and materials. The most important difference to me is the material that a sock is made of. I think you should stay away from 100% cotton. Cotton will not wick the moisture away from the feet like other materials will. I have enjoyed socks that are a blend of natural and synthetic materials. One of my favorite is made out of bamboo, crazy to think that socks can be made out of bamboo.
When I first saw and learned about the Hydro Flask, I was quite impressed. The company claims that this bottle will keep drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours. I was a little skeptical. At the Outdoor Retailers show I saw one of their bottles that still had ice in it after three days. It keeps ice for three days, I thought. After talking with the company for a bit I was pleased to be able to get a bottle to test and review.
I think as runners we have all been running down the street, relaxed in the groove and all of a sudden out of nowhere, you have that four legged (they say man’s best friend) dog on your heels. Man what a way to interrupted your rhythm and shoot your heart rate through the roof. Not that we don’t run to get our heart rate up, I just perfer it to be me doing it to myself and not because I am running for my life. Here are some do and do not’s when running in them dog infested neighborhoods.
Part 3 is all about packs. First is a new comer to the OR Show. Mile High Mountaineering is a new company and have some impressive packs. They paid attention to detail during the design process and building their packs. They have a few different packs but I wanted to highlight the Divide. It is perfect for weekend to weeklong trips and a great “go-to” pack for most of your exploring.
“New Products from the OR Show” is going to be a mini series of articles about gear and products from the Summer Outdoor Retailer Show in Salt Lake City, UT. The articles are going to be about new products that impressed me. Most of the products in the series are not out on the market yet, but will be coming out in the Fall of 2010 or next year some time.
I was lucky to run onto this little gem at the show. It was this company’s first OR Show and they got the pleasure of the upper-deck. Not as much foot traffic, but for the avid gear hunter, I had to look everywhere. My husband and Son found them and sent me up to check this out. It is the “Go Crib” by Guava Family.
Again it has been hard to choose what to include and what not to but here is part 2. In the next few weeks and months we will be writing more gear reviews as well on article on the essentials for many activities.
I received the Sleek at the Summer Outdoor Retailer show in Salt Lake City. It was perfect timing, because the week following the show I was going on a family vacation and would have the opportunity to test it out. We headed down to Escalante, Utah to visit Bryce Canyon and surrounding areas.
We at Open Air Life had a great time at the Summer OR show in Salt Lake. As I was trolling around the show with my two children, my article topic just came to me. Everyone would stop me and tell me all about their new kid friendly outdoor gear, or the mother must haves for us, so it was a no-brainer, “Mommy Must Haves” (Outdoor gear for both mothers and children who LOVE the outdoors.)
I focused on finding any gear that was geared toward a mother or a child to use in the outdoors. (Meaning the mountains, the beach, or even just the backyard.) Some of the products I am lucky enough to gear-test, others I just thought would be a great idea and want to pass the information on to other mothers who want to have a great time with their children in the outdoors.
Nature. It is the essence of the world. It belongs to the wind and water. It belongs to the trees and insects; and to the birds, reptiles and mammals. And it belongs to us. We have a duty to protect and respect the natural wonder of the outdoors, whether it’s 80 feet below the ocean or 14,000 feet on top of a mountain. Leave No Trace is a set of seven principles created over 40 years ago to help us remember what to do and how to prepare for a safe, rewarding, and environmentally friendly experience.
SALT LAKE CITY – August 3, 2010 – Several hundred retailers spent Monday, August 2, demoing the latest outdoor products at Jordanelle State Park, in Heber City, Utah, as part of the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market Open Air Demo (OAD). With more than 90 exhibiting manufacturers, attendees got a sneak peak at the latest paddlesports, endurance sports, GPS devices, and other outdoor equipment and accessory products.
The setting sun’s heat warms you as you reach for one of the last holds at the top of a climb. A gentle breeze cools the sweat from your body. Your hand sticks to the rock like a spider. Your heart beats ferociously and your muscles scream as you make the final push to the top. As you turn around, the lights of the city below begin to sparkle one by one, like fireflies on a summer’s night. A smile is inevitable and beams across your face. You did it, and it was amazing.
Osprey Packs is introducing commuter packs for Spring/Summer 2011. The Momentum and Metron series incorporates the superior fit and comfort of an Osprey Pack with the functionality that is particularly geared to the needs of a bike commuter. “As a company, we encourage our team to find alternatives to commuting by car, biking being one of them,” said Gareth Martins, marketing director of Osprey. “Our entry into bike commuting is not only part of our culture but it is the natural evolution of our brand. Our customers enjoy active lifestyles, not just in the backcountry, but on a daily basis. The Momentum and Metron are great for biking, walking or public transit travel.
One product that is debuting/coming out at the Summer Outdoor Retailer show is the nPower PEG. This device is small, lightweight and recharges hand-held electronics from the energy a person generates while walking, running, or biking. Just place your nPower PEG vertically in your backpack, briefcase, or purse and go about your daily activities. As you move, your PEG captures and stores your kinetic energy, providing you with extra power when you need it. –While you’re on the go.
The first time I picked up a bag a Sport Beans, I thought I was just picking up a small bag of Jelly Bellys. First off they taste good. I have had my share of energy whatever and some just don’t taste good. Taste is an important factor for me. If I don’t like it, I am probably not going to eat it.
Ferguson canyon is small canyon between Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons. This canyon has gained popularity over the last few year and is a popular destination for rock climbers. This is one hike that the canyon itself is the destination. The hike can be whatever you want to be. You can follow the trail to the end and get to a summit or just make it to the shaded canyon wall and stream.
I have now been able to use the Deuter Kid Comfort III for a couple of years. I have used this carrier on endless local hikes as well as through National Parks. I have used it in the summer and I have gone snowshoeing with it in the winter. It has made taking the kids to the outdoors a much more enjoyable experience for them and me. I have been impressed by how well it handles the weight of the kids. I have been using it with my boy since he was just over 1 and he still loves to ride in it at 3. It is rated to hold up to 48.5lbs total weight, which includes child and gear.
I received this slackline for free from by submitting a picture of myself slacklining. I was really surprised when I got the email back from them saying they were going to be sending one out. When it arrived, the first thing I noticed was its size; it came in a small package. I was impressed that the whole system fit into such a small package. It is definitely small enough to throw in a pack or car and have it with you when you would like to slackline.
What’s the fun of being a dog when every time you leave the house they have to have a leash attached? What’s the fun of being a dog owner when all you do is circle the same blocks over and over again? The growing trend of taking our furry friends to reserved spaces where they can run restraint free has become a staple in community planning.
Ensign Peak is a popular hike right out of the city. At the top of the peak you can over look the Salt Lake Valley and into Davis County. After the pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, President Brigham Young and others hiked to the top of this peak and named it Ensign Peak.
The Wasatch Mountains are full of trails, and I thought it would be nice to write about a few of the easier trails here in the Wasatch. If you are looking to start hiking or you have been hiking for years but would like a quick hike, read on. I have come up with 5 hikes that I think everyone should at least do once, if not multiple times in their life. The 5 hikes are: Silver Lake, Cecret Lake (Secret Lake), Ensign Peak, Willow Heights and Ferguson Canyon. Over the next week I will be posting about each one of these hikes. First up is Silver Lake.
Cecret Lake is also known as Secret Lake. Cecret Lake is a great hike for beginners that would love to see a high altitude lake. This lake is found in the Albion Basin up Little Cottonwood Canyon. This area is known for its great snow in the winter, but there are many other treasures in this area. More than a 100 different types of wildflowers bloom each year in the basin. Also chances are high that you will see moose up in the meadows during your hike. So bring a camera to try and capture all the beauty that you will see.
The Clear the Air Challenge is almost starting, with only a few day left to sign up. We here at encourage all that visit this page to look into this challenge and join our team. We have created a team to see how much we can lower our impact on the environment. Head over to and read a little bit about the challenge. If this is something you think you can do, sign up and join team We will be blogging about our experience over the month of July, and would love to hear from anyone else that is trying this challenge. We have included some information that we got off the Clear the Air Challenge website below.
Thank you all for being loyal fans and supporting Open Air Life. Now, we were hoping our loyal fans will help us out with our latest fan project. Open Air Life would like to reach 500 fan members by June 30, 2010. In order to achieve this goal, we will be having a Fan Referral Contest. To qualify for this contest, all you need to do is:
I have now had these insoles for about 5 months. I got a pair at the Winter Outdoor Retailer Show for the company to try out.
It has been said that if you can dive Monterey, California, you can dive anywhere in the world. Murky water melded with waves of kelp can blind the most skilled of divers. At Breakwater you can find every kind of diver, from the newbies huddled in pockets in the shallows to midlevel divers, like myself, gaining confidence exploring along the jetty, or more experienced divers searching out the more difficult terrain.
In my opinion, the best two person tent available for the combination of features it offers, as well as price and portability, is the Eureka Apex 2XT.
If you are looking for light weight, affordability, easy portability, and quality tenting, you’ve found it in the Apex. It’s a small tent, but it’s made with the hallmark of Eureka quality and it’s available at prices that won’t break your bank. (Eureka makes other quality camping, climbing, and hiking equipment you can find at a variety of online merchants.)
I just received the newsletter from the Instructables website and one of the links was on survival stoves. It caught my eye. I checked it out and come across a bunch of different stoves from alcohol to charcoal. Here are a few of my favorites. If you would like to see all of the stoves they listed click here.
For those people who are not familiar with the world of triathlon competition, this particular kind of sport may be difficult for them. There is much to be learned, so much to be done, so much to buy, but do not allow that stop you from becoming part of this wonderful way of life.
If you do fall under the novice category, it is highly recommended that you begin with competing in a sprint distance triathlon for your first game. It usually consists swimming a length of .47 mile, a 12.four mile biking and running a 3.1 mile length. These distances are definitely attainable for a first time tri-athlete player, specially if you stick to a great training curriculum. But before you jump into training to contend in all the three sports, you need to work on your endurance by concentrating on just one sport. Start by preparing in just one sport for 4 days in a week, increasing the distance by 10% every week.
Training for a triathlon is a great way to get in shape or maintain your motivation to stay in shape. There are 4 primary types of triathlons to choose from: the sprint triathlon, the Olympic triathlon, the half Ironman distance and the full Ironman distance. Due to trademark restrictions on the name Ironman you’ll see many longer triathlons referred to as “iron distance”.
For your first triathlon you should focus on the “sprint” distance. This is typically between 400-800 meters swimming in a pool or lake, 20 kilometers of bicycling and 5 kilometers of running. You will probably wonder how much training you should do for a first triathlon. It depends on your goals but at a minimum you should train for each sport 1 time per week. If your schedule permits training twice per week for each sport will help you feel more comfortable during the race and after the race. You should focus on working up to the distance of each leg in your training cycles. There are many free online resources for a sprint triathlon training plan.
One of the great sports that are being supported by several people around the world to attain improvement in their overall health and stamina is running. Preparation should always be done if you are still a beginner in running. This could involve consulting your doctor first if it is a good idea for you to engage into such activities especially if you have a certain medical condition. A lot of beginners may not have an idea on where to start therefore it is always best to get yourself a program to guide you through it.
In general though, it is always best to start at a slower pace and gradually increase it as you become more and more comfortable with the routine. One of the things that most runners have to constantly monitor their performance, their heart rate, and their whereabouts is a GPS running watch.
With all the bicycle lubricants on the market today, are you having trouble deciding which type to use on your mountain bike chain? Should you buy a drip or aerosol? Should you use a wet, dry, or wax lube? The following are some suggestions for choosing the right type of bike lube for your bicycle chain.
Drip vs. Aerosol Bike Lube
Bicycle lubricants come in either a drip or aerosol application. I recommend the drip application because it is easier to get the lube directly on the necessary parts of the bicycle chain. The spray lube gets on other parts of the bicycle, which just collects more dust and grime while riding.
Hiking is one of the world’s most popular pastimes; however, what do you need to be a hiker, well some elevated slope is a strong start, but what about your clothes? You want to stay comfortable and protected while out on the trail. What types of clothes should a hiker wear, let’s take a look and find out.
If you are hiking on a regular basis then you should not limit yourself to just one outfit, the weather should play a key influence on what style of clothing you should wear. A great tip for all hikers would be to wear layered clothing, which is essentially layers of clothing, this way you can always change clothes quickly and simply, which in turn allows for maximum comfort. If you want to avoid feeling sticky and moist through perspiration, then wearing polyester micro fiber as your base layer is advised.
Backpacking is a terrific way to enjoy the outdoors, stay active and spend time with those closest to you. But we weren’t all raised in the Boy Scouts, and even fewer of us are Eagle Scouts born and bread for the great outdoors. For the first-time, novice backpacker, daydreaming about your adventure is one thing, actually planning it and getting yourself out there is a different ball game. Without proper preparation, your glorious adventure could turn in to a difficult, strenuous, regrettable mess. However, with a little bit of planning and foresight, you will be geared up and ready for a unique experience that is really unlike anything else.
Recently I had the opportunity to try out three watches, the new Timex Expedition WS4, Highgear Axis and the Suunto Core. All three have time, altimeter, barometer, compass, chronograph, timer and alarm.
The first watch that I used was the Timex WS4. This watch comes in 6 colors (black/orange, yellow/black, orange/black, white/black, blue/grey and black). It is a big watch that makes it easy to read and because of this it was easier to set up. It size is also a problem because it kept getting in the way and was just a little bulky. The instruction manual was complete and easy to follow but like all Timex watch manuals they are out to break the record for the worlds smallest instructions. I think I need glasses after straining my eyes trying to read it. One simple function that I liked about the Timex that the other watches did not have was that you could set it up so when you pushed any button it would light up the display. When activated it would be active for 7-8 hours.
Mountain bike racing is a rapidly growing sport. It is often thrown into the ‘extreme sports’ category, but shares little in common with such sports as skateboarding or trick biking. A mixture of ski slalom and intense trail riding, a good mountain bike race is exhilarating to watch but even more fun to ride.
When you think about mountain bike racing, if you have at all, you probably think it’s just for crazy young people. The truth, however, is that people of all ages and abilities can partake, from children to grown men and women.
Before jumping in, however, it’s a good idea to learn the basics. This article will cover everything you need to know, so you can hit that trail today!
There are some things to consider before you start backpacking for the first time. Beginners need to know about backpacking equipment, gear, supplies and essentials.
Backpacking can turn into a horrifying experience if you’re not prepared with the basics.
Backpacking can be done in either urban areas or in the wilderness or a mixture of both and the requirements of backpacking equipment and gear are different as well as the planning.
If you are a looking for a great way to get in shape while enjoying the outdoors, trail running may be the perfect sport for you. Trail running is a lot like hiking, except instead of taking your time while enjoying the scenery, trail running pushes your physical limitations and has you including speed in your exercise.
It is important to make sure that you are in good physical condition before heading out to the trails. If you have never hiked before, you may want to try that a few times before increasing your walking level to running. If you havent exercised in a long time or have any health problems, it would be a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning.
It started off innocent enough. We were running a farewell “fun run” for our illustrious outgoing track club president when one of my regular running buds said she had a bib I could use for the half marathon at Disney. I hemmed and hawed a bit. I did the Disney full back in 2006 and I remember the very early wake-up call, the traffic and the huge corrals jammed with thousands of people. I also I ran my personal best and remembered how cool it was to run through the “back streets” of Disney – places the guests don’t get to see. I could have done without getting up close and personal with the waste water treatment facility, but all and all, it was a good run so I figured what the heck. On top of that, several of my friends had already gone in on a three bedroom condo for the weekend and were planning a big post-race brunch. Free bib number, cheap room & board, good friends and good eats; it’s hard to resist a deal like that, especially when we are all really just eaters with a running problem.
No visit to San Diego is complete without taking the time to get your feet wet in the beautiful Pacific Ocean. San Diego County offers a rugged and beautiful coastline that runs from the Mexican border to Orange County. Along this stretch of ocean, you will find some of the best beaches in the world each with its own distinct personality.
One of the most legendary modern beaches in San Diego is Swami’s in Encinitas. This beach is a popular surf spot and is located in a very modern beach town. However, there is limited parking at this beach so be prepared to hike a ways to get your feet wet. Although the hike is well worth the exercise for this beautiful beach spot. Another excellent beach to visit if you want to watch surfing is the Seacliff Roadside Park. Under the right conditions, you can expect to see some huge waves at this popular surf spot.
When I first saw the Jakpak I thought it was an interesting idea; a tent, Jacket and sleeping bag all in one, what a great idea. I contacted the company, and was able to receive a sample. I received the Jakpak in late spring and had the summer and fall to test it out. I was able to take it up hiking and camping and see how it worked. On a rainy summer day in the Wasatch Mountains, it kept me dry and comfortable. The sleeping bag and tent part of the system was easy to use after doing it a couple times. The integrated suspenders really helped to keep the bag on at night. This is a great choice for anyone who is going hiking in the summer or warmer parts of fall and spring. Having an all in one waterproof jacket and sleeping system is a great way to save on space and weight.
The final part to this series will cover techniques. Snowshoeing as I said in the first article is really not all that hard to do. If you can walk you can start snowshoeing and feel comfortable doing it with just a few times out. I thought in this segment of the series, instead of just describing how to do certain techniques, here are some videos from youTube that REI produced about three techniques: Going downhill, going uphill, and Traversing. Also the last video is about winter safety tips. As i have previously stated, please learn about avalanche safety and awareness. Avalanche danger is real. Check you local avalanche center for current conditions in your area before heading into the backcountry. has links to some of the countries local avalanche centers, as well as have an avalanche safety online tutorial. Hope this series will encourage you to get out and enjoy what the winter weather can offer.
The Nike Zoom Vomero+ 4 Men’s Running Shoe is a great running shoe, I love the soft cushioning ride this shoe gives. I have been running in it since it came out and it has held up well after putting many miles on it. This shoe makes my feet feel like they are home. And who doesn’t like to be home. The shoes’ mesh breathes well and gives you a nice airy felling. If you are a Nike lover and have had the Motto or any other upper end Nike shoe I think that you will love this one. I have the Nike Zoom Vomero 3 as well, and alternate between these two shoes. The one difference I have noticed between the Vomero 3 and Vomero 4, is that the Vomero 3 gives a more cushioned ride. THe Vomero 4 was named “Best Update” by Runner’s World magazine. I think that everyone should try to put some mile in this shoe. Nike has my vote.
The manufacturer of Cablz calls them “the next generation” in eyewear retention. I came across these retainers at the Summer Outdoor Retailer Show in Salt Lake City. There I had a chance to talk with the owners about their products. They were nice enough to give me a sample to test out. They put them on my glasses, and I haven’t taken them off. They are so lightweight you don’t even feel them on. As you can see in the picture below, the retainer doesn’t even rest on your neck when wearing the glasses.
In part 1 we went over what basic types of snowshoes there are and how to choose the right one for you. Also we covered the need for good footwear to keep your feet warm. Now we are going to go over the importance of clothing.
As with any type of outdoor excursion, layering is of utmost importance.The purpose to layering is to keep your body warm and dry. The fundamentals to layering is to wick perspiration away from the body, insulate the body from the cold and to keep the body dry from rain or snow penetrating the outer layer.
Have you ever wondered how you could prolong the hiking season? Or thought, “I would love to see what this waterfall would look like in the winter?” Snowshoeing is the answer. Some might say that it is too hard to go snowshoeing or have you ever seen a set of snowhoes and thought wearing those things would have to be cumbersome and awkard? Learning how to snowshoe is as simple as putting one foot in front of the other. Snowshoeing can be one of the most rewarding activities done in the winter. This is going to be a multi part series on how to get started snowshoeing. We will cover snowshoeing basics, equipment, clothing and techniques.
What makes us go out and run 5 plus miles a night. Seem like we have better things going on; work, family, hobbies. But I find myself putting all those things aside and go running. After you haven’t ran for a few days, your body and mind start telling you to get out. For me, running give my body and mind a fresh update. Just like a computer runs better after you run a clean up, I feel that running gives my body an update and cleaning to make me run better throughout the day. It cleans the bad and flushes the system. Your brain gets that endorphin release and makes it fill new. So when you body calls, listen. Your body knows best. I wish the best and get out and run. Bryan Breeze
Many new fisherman make that fateful trip to the sports store to set up their initial outfit. They’ve had that old dusty rod and reel in the garage for years and have decided that it’s time to make good use of it. And there they stand…. So many options…. Who has the answers? It has only been about two years since I decided it was time to teach myself how to fish.
In the northwest part of Wyoming, near the Continental Divide, the area around Brooks Lake offers expansive views of the Wind River and Absaroka Ranges, decent camping near good fishing, and both high peaks and quiet woods for hiking and exploring.
I was excited when I received this bag in the mail and couldn’t wait to get out and test it. Testing bags can be an interesting experience, especially if you are going to be camping when it might be colder than the rating of the bag. Lucky for me this trip was in August and I knew that the temperature was not going to get below 30 degrees. The first night went great. The bag is very comfortable because of the Flex technology. This technology lets the bag stretch and flex, which in turn allows you to move around more freely in the bag while maintaining the bags thermal efficiency. If mummy bags are a little too tight for you usually, this is a bag that you should try. Another great feature on this bag is the sleeping Pad Locks. These are straps that hold your pad under you for a goodnights rest.
San Diego was once known as the Tuna Capital of the World and although it still has some of the best deep-sea angling around, fresh-water fishing has become quite popular. There are many wonderful lakes scattered throughout San Diego County from small, neighborhood fishing holes to remote mountain lakes offering up monster trout and largemouth bass. Here are just a few of the best places to fish in San Diego.
Getting out on a bike can be a simple way to enjoy the outdoors. Cycling has increased in popularity over the past few years and more cities are putting in bike trails as well as bike lanes on the roads. We thought it might be helpful to list some of the basic essentials to have an enjoyable bike ride. The items on the list are only suggestions, depending on where you are going and what type of riding you will be doing, will depend on if items need to be added or substacted from the list. I have found it helpful to have a rack on the back of the bike that can carry either a trunk bag or panniers. This way I can carry most of the list in the bag or panniers and leave them in there for when I go riding. Hope this will help you enjoy your next ride or just get you out.
If you are getting interested in Barefoot Running then there are some things you should know to keep you going day after day.
1. Don’t Listen to Anyone:
Translation: Your friends, family and running buddies are likely going to think you are a nut-job for getting interested in barefoot running. Don’t EVER listen to them. The only people you should get your advice from are folks who have more barefoot running experience than you do. There are great websites out there, forums and Facebook groups all about running barefoot where you can tap into a huge amount of knowledge and experience about the topic.