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You Can Win an Autographed ECCO Golf Shoe From Fred Couples

So I don’t usually talk or write about golf or for that matter even play golf all that often. But if there was a way that you would get me on the course more often it would be in a shoe like the ECCO Street Premiere. I am always looking for a shoe that can do more for me, while still being comfortable. So even if you don’t golf you probably know someone who does. That is why I have posted this blog article. As Christmas is coming and as you might be scrambling to find a gift for your Dad, this might just be your ticket.

This coming Monday or known as Cyber Monday, ECCO is having a Deal on these shoes. On Monday (11/28) starting at 6 AM EST you can snag these shoes for a great price. Be sure to check out the Deal here. You might be able to check another person off your Christmas list.

The video below shows Fred Couples in these shoes and what he has to say about them.

One of the best parts about this post is the giveaway. ECCO USA is giving an autographed pair of golf shoes to someone. All you have to do to enter this contest is to simply comment on this blog post. It doesn’t get easier than that. The shoes are an approximate value of $400. The best to all of you.

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Our New Camping Companion

Well a couple weeks back we picked us up a 1976 Volkswagen Westfalia. We are pretty excited about our new toy. We have a lot of work a head of us but we are ready for it.

When we got it, it didn’t run, but with a little work and a lot of love it is now running. I did a little trouble shooting ad figured it wasn’t getting any gas. So I got under the bus and pulled off the fuel filter. I found that the filter was solid full of gas gunk and the fuel line as well. I pulled the line from the tank and fuel came draining out. I drained about 11 gallons of varnished old gas. Lucky for me, the gas gunk stopped at the filter and not through the rest of the lines, pump and engine. I did replace the lines and installed a new filter.

I also had to set the points and figure out the firing order. Also the previous owner installed a new battery cables backwards which had fried some of the electrical lines so I replaced them as well. After a little starter fluid, the engine turned over and started up. It was nice to get it up and running.

I am going to try to keep everyone updated on the progress of our Westy as we clean it up and get it up camping. I would love to hear any suggestions or stories about any of your VW buses. Keep riding.

$40,000 Outdoor Gear Treasure Hunt

I came across this press release and thought that it would be a great thing to post. Check out the details below.

Roanoke, VA, Jun 15, 2010 –

Outdoor enthusiasts and gear junkies, get ready to explore! – a resource for the Roanoke, Va., region’s outdoors – has teamed with, a top outdoors blog and publication, to host a one-day-only Treasure Hunt event in a Roanoke wilderness park on July 11th.

The event will be called “Gear Junkie’s Treasure Hunt: Roanoke.” More than $40,000 in outdoor gear – from backpacks to kayaks – will be given away to an estimated 300 participants.

Additionally, during the run up to the event, will hold online contests for its readers. Details including sign-up information and event schedule are available at

“The Treasure Hunt is a first-of-its-kind event,” said Stephen Regenold, founder and editor of “Roanoke provides a great venue for this activity, which will blend elements from adventure racing with a substantial gear scavenger hunt.”

“The Roanoke region is one of the best spots anywhere for outdoor recreation,” says Pete Eshelman with the Roanoke Regional Partnership. “By teaming up with Gear Junkie – a nationally-recognized web site that specializes in outdoor gear – we hope to further solidify our region’s standing.” Visit to learn more.


ABOUT THE ROANOKE REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP The Roanoke Regional Partnership was founded in 1983 as a regional economic development organization for the greater Roanoke area that includes Alleghany, Botetourt, Franklin, and Roanoke counties plus the cities of Roanoke and Salem and the town of Vinton.  Its program of work includes image building, asset development, and business recruitment.  The Partnership has been involved in business locations and expansions that have created more than 13,600 jobs and $1.3 billion in investment in real estate and equipment.  To learn more, please visit

ABOUT GEARJUNKIE.COM Operated by Monopoint Media LLC of Minneapolis, Minn., was founded in 2006. It is an online publication devoted to the outdoors, health, fitness, adventure travel, and all the gear and equipment associated with those pursuits. It is based off a nationally‐syndicated newspaper column of the same name written by freelance journalist Stephen Regenold, a world‐traveling adventurer/journalist with a home base in Minnesota.


I thought with summer coming, this was a perfect way to start posting again. I have not been as faithful as I should with updating the blog. Smores have evolved into a camping or campfire treat. With our busy schedules we sometimes don’t have a chance to get into the mountains to have a campfire as often as we might like. This little mini smores grill can help keep you sane, as well as satisfy your smore craving when heading to the mountains is out of the question. Please leave a comment if you have any other great ideas on how to bring the outdoors closer to home.

Mini S’mores GrillMore DIY How To Projects

Stairs Anyone?

If we could just use the stairs a little more often, how much better would we all feel. Its a funny thing how a little fun can make work or anything for that matter, just a little better.  Someone showed this video to me and I thought it was a good example of making even climbing stairs a fun idea.

A Bike To Haul All Your Stuff!

A friend introduced me to this bike. My wife and I love to go to the store with our bikes. We usually just fill up our Chariot Bike trailer with our groceries and cover the kid in the process. This would create another opportunity to carry more stuff than just groceries.  I am hoping to be able to see one of these bikes up close soon. The design seems to be pretty solid and if it can hold up to 600 pounds that is way cool. You can learn more at there website.  Madsen2 1

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