Category: Goals

A New Year = New Goals

For the past few years I have been posting about what I have accomplished in the past year and what I would like to accomplish in the coming year. I have decided to do this for two reasons. First, to give me something to shoot for and to look forward to. I have always been a goal driven person and writing things down gives me a written record of what needs to be achieved. Second, to analyze the past year to see what I would like to improve on or what I would like to do different in the coming year.

I was a little disappointed this year in my results last year. I was able to bike to work but not 45 times. It was just lazy on my part. The multi-pitch route that I wanted to do all year, I never made it down there to do. I looked at it all year and thought I really need to make some time and hit that route. But as we all know life is busy. Running was the last goal that I set and I was able to get out, just not as much as I would have liked. I was hoping to run a marathon last year but never did.

So now looking forward, how can we or I be a little more committed and accomplish the goals that are set for the coming year? I have come up with 6 ideas to help us set, achieve and to be successful.

1. Make goals specific and measurable

In the business world saying that I will sell more widgets is not enough. People are looking for a number as in I will sell 25 more widgets this year. As we are thinking about setting a goal we should be thinking of how much and not just more. I think that was one of my problems last year when setting goals. I said I would like to climb more or run more but how much more? Give a specific amount or number to reach if possible. The more specific the goal the more measurable it is. So if you wanted to get out hiking or climbing more. Give a number to that goal, like 6 times a month or once a week. This will give you a target that you can aim for and the ability to measure if you are achieving that goal.

2. Write them down

By putting your goals on paper, computer, smartphone, or the web, will make them official. With all the technology we have now it is easy to have our goals right in front of us.

3. Find someone to hold you accountable

Even though there are many ways to have the goals right in front of our faces each day, we can all eventually ignore them or hide them. But if we can find someone who will follow up with us and hold us accountable the success will follow.

4. Celebrate your successes

This is where baby sets are congratulated. Sometimes the overall goal is huge. But if we never celebrate the little accomplishment along the way we might just drop the goal all together. So an example would be if you wanted to run a marathon and you have never run anything before. Reward yourself as you increase your miles or speed. When you run you first 5 miles without stopping, take yourself out to dinner or do something nice for yourself. Acknowledge successes along the way and be happy.

5. Be prepared for obstacles and setbacks and re-evaluate and adjust

Are there going to be days or maybe weeks that things are not going to be going well? Of course. Be prepared for these setbacks and make the appropriate adjustments. Don’t allow any obstacle or set back derail your goals. Have a plan “B” (and “C”) in place that will keep you on course. If things are still not working out the way you would like it to, adjust the goal, don’t just give up on it. A new job or kid in the family, are valid excuses that might interfere with your goals. So be prepared to adjust and continue.

6. Don’t allow failure to be an option

We all know the story of the little engine that could. The engine wasn’t big or strong but he never gave up. If you think you can, you can.  As in idea number 5 there are going to be days that failure seems to be the only option. But those are the days that we just need to dig in our heels and find ways to achieve.

So how am I going to apply these things? First I am going to write my goals down and post them here so hopefully family, friend and people I don’t know will follow up with me. I am also going to post them on the corkboard in the kitchen so I can see them and make adjustments daily if needed. I am also going to set a reminder in my Google and Outlook calendars for 6 months out to make me re-think what I have been doing and make the appropriate changes at that point if needed.

So with that said what my goals are for 2012:

  • Bike 45 times to work.
  • Run a marathon.
  • Climb 12 new climbing routes.
  • Take my kids to the mountains at least 2 times a month.
  • Write at least 500 words a day.

Now I would love to hear from all of you. What are you planning this year? What goals have you set for you? I would love to hear what big plans you are making for the coming year and I would love to help follow up on those goals. Leave a comment and make it official. And let’s have a great 2012. We are also giving away to one lucky winner who replies to this post the book, “The Ultimate Guide to Trail Running” by Adam W. Chase and Nancy Hobbs. If you have ever thought about trail running this is a great book to get you started. If not make it a goal this year.
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Big Goals For 2011

So beginning this year I have been thinking of the goals that I set last year and how I either achieved them or failed at them horribly. I am happy to say that I was able to accomplish one of the biggest goals that I have wanted to do for a while and that is bike to work more. As you can see in my last few posts I was able to do that and it was great. I had a goal of 15 times and I did that and more. I am going to triple that number for the coming year and shoot for 45 times.

Another goal of mine was to go climbing a bit more. I have to say that I wasn’t able to accomplish this. I did go out, but not the 30 times I was hoping. I did however go out hiking more as that is a lot easier to do with young kids. Both my boy and girl love the outdoors, and I have carried them, held their hands and watched them grow in the outdoors this past year. A little mud has never bothered my little princess.

This year I am not putting a number on how many times I would like to get out climbing. I am going to shoot for maybe a little more lofty goal of doing a few more multi-pitch climbs this year. I have picked out one in general and I have pinned in up on the cork board in the kitchen to remind me of it daily. I will be doing a lot of indoor climbing this winter to prepare myself for this climb.

Running is also another activity that I need to do a lot more of. I remember the days of coming home from work and trading the work shoes to the runners and hitting the pavement almost everyday. I have been trying to figure out when and how I am going to workout a little more and the answer that I keep coming up with is cut out a little sleep. I probably don’t really need 8 hours anyway. I never got that much sleep when I was back in college and working two jobs.

Something that I said last year I think is still applicable this year to all of us. “I am good at coming up with excuses at why I can’t reach a certain goal or maybe why I haven’t been able to go outside as much as I would have liked (Kids, work, family, tired). But when it is all said and done, these are just that, EXCUSES.”

I hope we can all figure out a way to stop making excuses and start living our dreams. I would love to hear from all of you. What are you planning this year? What goals do you have? What excuses you might have as why you didn’t accomplish your goals last year and how you are going to achieve them this year. Please reply to this post and by doing so we can all help each other succeed.

New Year, New Goals


At the beginning of each new year, new goals are set. I have been thinking about this coming year and trying to figure out what goals I would like to set for myself. I thought if I posted it here, then I would have others to support, remind, and prod me into reaching my goals. Last year, was the first year that I can remember sitting down and writing out goals. I did fall short in most cases but I know because of a least one goal, I went climbing more. I am good at coming up with excuses at why I can’t reach a certain goal or maybe why I haven’t been able to go outside as much as I would have liked (Kids, work, family, tired). But when it is all said and done, these are just that, EXCUSES. I would love to hear from all of you. What are you planning this year? What goals do you have? Please reply to this post and by doing so we can all help each other succeed.

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