Category: Reduce Reuse Recycle

Stansbury Mountains – South Willow Canyon

img_1293The Stansbury Mountains are often overlooked by most of the Salt Lake City crowds. With the Wasatch Mountains so close many just head up to the Wasatch. Also many think that the west is just full of deserts. I was surprised myself of the beauty of the Stansbury Mountains. We went up South Willow Canyon camping last night. We came across a campground by the name of Intake Campground. It was $10 a night and $6 for an extra vehicle. If you are looking for a new place to go that is close to Salt Lake City, this is the place for you. Most people that come to South Willow Canyon, hike to Deseret Peak. We were not able to do it this time, but I talked with a ranger who gave me some insight on how and when to hike the peak. img_1319img_1360img_1347

Saving The World One Bag At A Time!

My mom has always been a great mentor to me on saving the planet. She has never lectured on global warming or the effects and outcomes of not recycling, but she has always lived the motto of reduce, reuse and recycle, even if she wouldn’t call it that. I can remember going to the grocery store with my mom when I was little, she always had cloth grocery bags to use. I never remember seeing the other moms using cloth bags. She started using reusable cloth grocery bags in 1979, when it was not so cool to use them. Not until last year have reusable bags really gone mainstream. Most national or local grocery stores have their own bags for you to buy and use at the store.  I have heard some of the statistics on plastic bags and it is pretty depressing, but we can all start helping out now.

If you don’t have any bags yourself go out and buy some. Support your local farmers market and buy them there. If they don’t sell them buy them from your favorite grocery store. Keep them in your trunk or by the back door. It will help you remember them when you go out shopping. If you forget your bags when you go out shopping or if you are just going in for one item, don’t take a bag. This is another great way to reduce your consumption of bags.  If it is one item do you really need a bag?

Two websites that I have found to help spread the message as well as help with the problem are 1 Bag at a Time and These are two other great resources for getting reusable bags. I don’t really believe that all the worlds problems will be solved by using reusable bags, but I do believe that it will make a big difference if more and more people will start using them.

If you know of other great resources to find out more reusable bags or other great places to purchase them from, please leave a comment.

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