The Clear the Air Challenge is almost starting, with only a few day left to sign up. We here at encourage all that visit this page to look into this challenge and join our team. We have created a team to see how much we can lower our impact on the environment. Head over to and read a little bit about the challenge. If this is something you think you can do, sign up and join team We will be blogging about our experience over the month of July, and would love to hear from anyone else that is trying this challenge. We have included some information that we got off the Clear the Air Challenge website below.
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The latest news from the Joomla! Team
Thank you all for being loyal fans and supporting Open Air Life. Now, we were hoping our loyal fans will help us out with our latest fan project. Open Air Life would like to reach 500 fan members by June 30, 2010. In order to achieve this goal, we will be having a Fan Referral Contest. To qualify for this contest, all you need to do is: