Nature. It is the essence of the world. It belongs to the wind and water. It belongs to the trees and insects; and to the birds, reptiles and mammals. And it belongs to us. We have a duty to protect and respect the natural wonder of the outdoors, whether it’s 80 feet below the ocean or 14,000 feet on top of a mountain. Leave No Trace is a set of seven principles created over 40 years ago to help us remember what to do and how to prepare for a safe, rewarding, and environmentally friendly experience.
Category: Articles (Page 13 of 21)
The setting sun’s heat warms you as you reach for one of the last holds at the top of a climb. A gentle breeze cools the sweat from your body. Your hand sticks to the rock like a spider. Your heart beats ferociously and your muscles scream as you make the final push to the top. As you turn around, the lights of the city below begin to sparkle one by one, like fireflies on a summer’s night. A smile is inevitable and beams across your face. You did it, and it was amazing.
Ferguson canyon is small canyon between Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons. This canyon has gained popularity over the last few year and is a popular destination for rock climbers. This is one hike that the canyon itself is the destination. The hike can be whatever you want to be. You can follow the trail to the end and get to a summit or just make it to the shaded canyon wall and stream.
What’s the fun of being a dog when every time you leave the house they have to have a leash attached? What’s the fun of being a dog owner when all you do is circle the same blocks over and over again? The growing trend of taking our furry friends to reserved spaces where they can run restraint free has become a staple in community planning.
Ensign Peak is a popular hike right out of the city. At the top of the peak you can over look the Salt Lake Valley and into Davis County. After the pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, President Brigham Young and others hiked to the top of this peak and named it Ensign Peak.
The Wasatch Mountains are full of trails, and I thought it would be nice to write about a few of the easier trails here in the Wasatch. If you are looking to start hiking or you have been hiking for years but would like a quick hike, read on. I have come up with 5 hikes that I think everyone should at least do once, if not multiple times in their life. The 5 hikes are: Silver Lake, Cecret Lake (Secret Lake), Ensign Peak, Willow Heights and Ferguson Canyon. Over the next week I will be posting about each one of these hikes. First up is Silver Lake.