It’s a slippery slope (pun intended) in making any list of books, albums, or favorites of anything. Such lists are almost entirely a reflection of the list-maker’s preference, and representative of his/her experience. It is a wholly subjective exercise, and usually met with skepticism, and the inevitable: “but you left so-and-so (who wrote the greatest book ever), off the list!” And one could never deem any collection of climbing literature a definitive ‘best of’ list – the genre has too many good authors in a myriad of experiences for that. But a reading list of recommended titles is a place to start if you’ve recently started climbing and want to know more of its story, or, have climbed for years and just haven’t read much on the subject. Maybe you just enjoy reading as an ‘armchair mountaineer’ and want to know more. If any of these describe you, then consider the selections below.
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