Fall can be some of the best times to go backpacking if you are prepared. Fall colors and cooler days, make for great hiking. We have found some great new gear to get you out the door and into the backcountry in style and comfort.
Category: Backpacking (Page 1 of 2)
As with most successful events or activities, it all starts out with a great plan. A successful backpacking trip is no different. You wouldn’t dream of going to another country without doing some research ahead of time, would you? Knowing what you might expect will help you better understand what you are getting yourself into and be more prepared. But more importantly, a good trip plan will let you have a more enjoyable experience.
For me, having a reliable way to boil water while out in the backcountry is important. This usually means having something to boil the water in, like a pot, pan or mug and something to boil the water on, like a fire or stove. I prefer using a stove over fire when boiling water as it is quick and easy. There are many stoves on the market but few, if any, as small and light as the Olicamp ION Micro stove.
If you are looking to cut some weight out of your backpacking pack, I always suggest looking at your sleep system: Tent, sleeping bag and sleeping pad. For most people you can easily shave off 3 to 4 pounds by replacing heavier items with lighters ones. And for those that are in need of replacing their tent, the Sierra Designs Lightning 2 tent is a great option if you would like to save a little weight.
I am an amatuer backpacker with experience roaming around in the Wind Rivers, Zion National Park, Yosemite, and other great sites in the western United States. My latest adventure has been working for a wilderness therapy program in southern Utah. Its a great job, but puts a lot of wear and tear on the body, the mind, and especially gear.
Backpacking is a terrific way to enjoy the outdoors, stay active and spend time with those closest to you. But we weren’t all raised in the Boy Scouts, and even fewer of us are Eagle Scouts born and bread for the great outdoors. For the first-time, novice backpacker, daydreaming about your adventure is one thing, actually planning it and getting yourself out there is a different ball game. Without proper preparation, your glorious adventure could turn in to a difficult, strenuous, regrettable mess. However, with a little bit of planning and foresight, you will be geared up and ready for a unique experience that is really unlike anything else.