All For A Movie…

I have started the sport of running again after a couple year break. My older brother has been running faithfully for a couple of years now and I decided that my older brother shouldn’t be in better shape than me. So the last couple weekends we have made some time to run together. It has been nice for me because he is faster, which pushes me. Last night around 9:15 pm, he asked me how far I wanted to run. I told him maybe 4 miles because the longest I have ran since starting up again is 3 miles. He said how about we run to the local grocery store where a Redbox machine is, so he could rent a movie. So I agreed not knowing how far it was going to be round trip. (note that he had already went out for a 6 mile run in the morning.) Off we went for the movie. When we got there, the movie was sold out. He then said, “I think that gas station over there has a redbox, lets go and see if it is in stock there.” Off we went again. Luckily for my sake they did. We then preceded to head home. The rain came out of nowhere but was a nice refresher. We did a total of 4.91 miles. It was a nice run and I did better than I thought that I would. I run using the Garmin Forrunner 305 and it is a great training companion as well.

As I was running I just kept thinking to myself, if more and more people would run to rent their movies, how much better shape would they be in. I challenge all of us to try to be a little healthier by riding our bikes, walking, running, or using any other human powered method to get us to point A to B.

1 Comment

  1. Rick Boyer

    I must say this is a great article i enjoyed reading it keep the good work 🙂

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