New Year, New Goals


At the beginning of each new year, new goals are set. I have been thinking about this coming year and trying to figure out what goals I would like to set for myself. I thought if I posted it here, then I would have others to support, remind, and prod me into reaching my goals. Last year, was the first year that I can remember sitting down and writing out goals. I did fall short in most cases but I know because of a least one goal, I went climbing more. I am good at coming up with excuses at why I can’t reach a certain goal or maybe why I haven’t been able to go outside as much as I would have liked (Kids, work, family, tired). But when it is all said and done, these are just that, EXCUSES. I would love to hear from all of you. What are you planning this year? What goals do you have? Please reply to this post and by doing so we can all help each other succeed.


  1. frankclimbs

    Running is something that I plan on doing a lot more in the coming year. I want to finish a marathon as well as run in the Wasatch Back Relay Race. I am planning on climbing at least 30 days. One goal last year was to ride my bike to work 15 times. I never even rode once to work so I am planning that same goal of 15 times this year. I also want to ride the Mid Mountain Trail in Park City. The last thing is something that I have wanted to do for a while and that is to learn how to speak Spanish. So this year I am going to give it a shot.


  2. Rae Costa

    My goals this year are to learn to fly fish, go camping more often, and to travel to several National Parks. I’d love to visit Yellowstone, Glacier, Arches, Rocky Mountain, Bryce/Zion, just to name a few. I visited a couple of these during my honeymoon in 2007, but it was December and most were covered in snow. Plus, it was absolutely freezing. This time I’d like to visit in the late spring or early fall. I’d also like to spend more time on my writing and photography to take it further than having it be just a hobby.

  3. Sixgun Samurai

    I’m planning on running a lot more this year. I don’t think that I’ll do any racing, I’m not sure I’m ready for that. I’m gonna get some bills payed down and not use my credit card. I really ought to get out camping more with my family and I want to take my kids hiking at least once or twice. I also think maybe it would be a good idea to work a little less and enjoy some free time.

  4. bbart

    I have written my goals on my blog. The first time that I have written goals in my life.

  5. Chrissy

    I have so many new years resolutions, I don’t know where to begin. I know the biggest reasolution I have this year is to be a better Mom. That, for me now, means to be okay with a million interruptions to everything I do, and to go play when my son says “Mama, here’s your car.” So far, days have gone better for me (mentally) but the laundry is still not finished. Where’s the balance? My other goals I want to post are that I will run a half marathon in April and continue running through the year. I will go camping with our little family at least 4 times this year. I will take the kids biking and plant and tend our flower gardens this year, better than last.
    Good luck everyone this year!

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