Clear the Air Challenge – Day 23 – I Finally Rode the Bike!


So I finally did it. I have been talking about riding my bike to work all month but have not got my lazy butt to do it. I decided today was the day. I asked my boss if it would be okay if I was a little late to work because I was going to give biking a shot, he said no problem. He has been supportive the whole time as I have been figuring out how to commute doing the challenge.

Before I rode my bike I did do a little research. I wanted to know which roads were bike friendly. I didn’t want to hop on my bike and worry about being hit by a car. The Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee has published a brochure that has a map of the city and preferred roads for cyclists. You can pick up a free copy at local bike shops or libraries but you can also download it from their site here. Check it out there are some great tips and information in there.

Another reason I have been dragging my feet to ride my bike to work, is because I wanted to find a bike that I could use just as a commuting bike. I was lucky enough to find one at the Deseret Industries (a  local thrift store) for a reasonable price. The bike pictured above is the bike I found. I had to put new tires on it and clean it up a little but other than that is works pretty well. I am going to have to get it a tune up, but at the price I paid I am sure I can afford that.

So this morning I woke up and loaded up a change of clothes and a drink and off I went. I have to fess up. I didn’t ride my bike the whole 16 miles to work. I biked 8 miles to Trax then rode Trax for 7 then finished on the bike. but it worked out great. I was able to cut 15 minutes off my commute. Biking to the train station only took me 5 minutes longer than when I ride the bus. I am sure as I continue to ride, I will be able to shave off another 5 to 10 minutes of that time as well. Also the last mile to work that I usually walk is a lot faster on the bike.

Going into today I was apprehensive about riding because I didn’t want it to take longer and be all sweaty for work. But after doing it once, I am excited. In the long run this will save me time and money. I wasn’t able to try the commute home because my wife picked me up but I am sure that this will speed up my commute home by 30 minutes.

My wife and I have been riding to the store, library, or anywhere else that is reasonably close for a couple years now. We love it and it is a great way to reduce our footprint. Our kids love it as well. We load them up in the trailer and off we go. I will now start riding to work a little more often. If you have ever wanted to give biking a shot, my advice, just do it. Start small, bike to the store or to a friends house. After you master that keep adding mile and eventually you will be there.

If you have suggestion or tips, please comment. I would love to hear about other’s experiences on the bike. Until next time, keep riding!


  1. Kate

    Great advice here! Thanks for sharing your biking experience (my favorite advice – smart small and just give it a try).

  2. Jonathan

    Thanks for the commentary and the link for preferred roads for cyclists!

    I too finally got on my bike to ride to work, just last week. Here’s my break down, which I found interesting:

    Usual (car commute) – 40 minutes (both ways)
    Biking for exercise – 45 minutes

    Total Time – 85 minutes

    Bike Commute (to work) – 40 minutes
    Bike Commute (to home) – 45 minutes
    Bike for exercise – Not Necessary!

    Total Time – 85 minutes

    So, the way I look at it, I didn’t increase my commute time, I eliminated my commute and DOUBLED my physical activity without any extra time necessary. Isn’t that awesome!

    Thanks again, keep up the great work!

  3. patty g.

    way to go!! i too finally rode to work on saturday after finding every reason not too all week. although i am certainly glad i didn’t go on a weekday like originally planned due to my route being under construction. morning traffic would have made that really scary! i don’t consider myself a “cyclist”…yet. i complete a couple of century rides each season somehow without regular training and i like to get one commute in each summer during the clean the air challenge. i live in lehi & work at rei on 33rd in salt lake…33.6 miles so it’s a trek, but i love it. i also only rode one way as we had plans after work but i still am very proud of myself as i’m sure you are of yourself. yay us!!!

  4. Greg

    Keep it up. After years of commuting to work, we finally got to a point where we no longer own a car. The savings are dramatic, but more important are the health benefits. I don’t know if I’m creative enough to post any tips, but if you have a specific question, I’d be happy to give my ideas on it. Good Luck!

  5. frankclimbs

    Thanks for all your comments. Biking can be a tough thing to wake up and do, but the benefits out weigh any negative.

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