The Clear the Air Challenge – What I Learned!

It has taken me a few day to write this post. I was planning on writing it the evening of the 31st but I was getting ready for the Outdoor Retailer Show which is going on this week. My final results might not have been as impressive as others but here they are:

  • Trips saved – 106
  • Miles Saved – 589
  • Emissions Reduced – 989 lbs.
  • Energy Saved – 27 Gal.
  • Money Saved – $331

I was surprised at how easy this was to achieve. As I said on Day 1, I love my car. But by changing a few things I was able to get to work and back without using a car. I was hoping to go the whole month without ever driving to work in my car. I fell short of that goal on day 31. I was sick all night and should have just stayed home from work, but went anyway. I wasn’t able to wake up early enough or have the energy to bike to work. So I drove. But I have made up for it now.

I thought when I started this challenge that I would do it for a month and then get back in my car and drive to work. I was surprised at how much I really started to enjoy the time it takes to commute. It is nice to be able to ride the bike and get some excerise. Also if I choose not to ride the bike, I have time to get on the computer and get some work done that I wouldn’t have an opportunity to do.

I have come to realize that by having a bus/trax monthly pass actually give me a little more flexibility. I would have said the complete opposite before I started this challenge. The past couple of days, I have been gong to the Salt Palace for the Outdoor Retailer Show and I have commuted everyday there. Usually I drive and have to find a place to park then pay for it. Now I hop on the bus and trax and I am dropped off a few feet away from the show. I am not saying that commuting is always more convenient, but it does provide more options.

Now that the challenge is over, I am planning on registering my car sometime this month. I will start to driving occasionally to work I’m sure. But this challenge has really changed the way that I am going to be getting around town. It has shown me that will a little planning and determination, it is not that hard to reduce my emissions.

If you weren’t able to or just didn’t get around to trying this challenge. I would like to challenge you to try it this month. Not for the whole month, but for a few days. I think that you will find out that it isn’t all that bad and the extra time spent can be used for different activities that you would be doing at home anyway. I would love to hear about others successes or stories about the challenge. Please comment and let others know how it went.


  1. Chrissy

    I did this challenge this month too and, though I did not get to use public tansportation with my two little kids, I have gotten out on my bike much more that I would have. I love riding with my children and am always looking for excuses to get out for a ride. I really hoped to use my car much less than I did this month, but I feel pretty good that, as a mother of two, I can reduce my emissions just by getting exercise and taking the kids to the library with my bike instead of the car!
    Thanks for the motivation to take on the challenge! Bring on August! More biking for me!


    I Think as an older brother to this crazy kid he has some gumshoe (who knows how to spell) I am proud to say that he is my brother and the work that he does to help keep the enviroment clean. KEEP UP THE STRONG WORK BRO! and he has even made me think about riding my bike to work. Who knows we will see.

  3. Britni

    I helped put the Clear the Air Challenge together. It has been a ton of work and required many late nights.

    I thank you dearly for sharing your experiences with us. Your blog post, along with the support of all the Challenge participants, makes all the hard work worth while.

    Thank you! Thank you!


    I road my bike to work and boy was it hard. I guess it wasnt that bad because I did it the next day. have been going strong for 3 weeks now. What a little Brother can make you do!

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