Big Goals For 2011

So beginning this year I have been thinking of the goals that I set last year and how I either achieved them or failed at them horribly. I am happy to say that I was able to accomplish one of the biggest goals that I have wanted to do for a while and that is bike to work more. As you can see in my last few posts I was able to do that and it was great. I had a goal of 15 times and I did that and more. I am going to triple that number for the coming year and shoot for 45 times.

Another goal of mine was to go climbing a bit more. I have to say that I wasn’t able to accomplish this. I did go out, but not the 30 times I was hoping. I did however go out hiking more as that is a lot easier to do with young kids. Both my boy and girl love the outdoors, and I have carried them, held their hands and watched them grow in the outdoors this past year. A little mud has never bothered my little princess.

This year I am not putting a number on how many times I would like to get out climbing. I am going to shoot for maybe a little more lofty goal of doing a few more multi-pitch climbs this year. I have picked out one in general and I have pinned in up on the cork board in the kitchen to remind me of it daily. I will be doing a lot of indoor climbing this winter to prepare myself for this climb.

Running is also another activity that I need to do a lot more of. I remember the days of coming home from work and trading the work shoes to the runners and hitting the pavement almost everyday. I have been trying to figure out when and how I am going to workout a little more and the answer that I keep coming up with is cut out a little sleep. I probably don’t really need 8 hours anyway. I never got that much sleep when I was back in college and working two jobs.

Something that I said last year I think is still applicable this year to all of us. “I am good at coming up with excuses at why I can’t reach a certain goal or maybe why I haven’t been able to go outside as much as I would have liked (Kids, work, family, tired). But when it is all said and done, these are just that, EXCUSES.”

I hope we can all figure out a way to stop making excuses and start living our dreams. I would love to hear from all of you. What are you planning this year? What goals do you have? What excuses you might have as why you didn’t accomplish your goals last year and how you are going to achieve them this year. Please reply to this post and by doing so we can all help each other succeed.


  1. Bryson

    I just had a total hip replacement at age 34. This also entailed stretching my leg, muscles, ligaments, and nerves over an inch. I know that seem little but it feels like I my leg is always in a stretched position. 2011 is my year to rehabilitate and walk straight for the first in my life. I am going to run the ten k run in my home Raymond AB Canada (July 1st). This includes dropping 15 lbs between now and then.

  2. Rae A. Costa

    My goals are rather simple: to hike and camp more often. Also to volunteer for the local Parks & Recreation Department.

  3. Chrissy

    I have several goals for this new year. The first is to be a better mom. I want to make sure I spend more quality time with the children, teaching them and making sure they know how much I really love them. They are only young so long. As for my outdoor goals, I plan to get running as soon as possible after the baby comes, get outside with the kids. I hope to camping with the family at least twice this year, maybe more. Lots of hikes and time in the great outdoors. Can’t wait till the snow is gone. I need more vitamin D!

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