Climbing might seem daunting.  I know.  I teach new climbers to swallow their fears and pull on plastic holds 35 feet above the ground.  But these climbers have made it over the hump.  They have elbowed their way through the strange and pricey gear.  They have decided to step out of their comfort zone, and most importantly they have decided to look past the stereotype.  The attitude beaning hipster with a harness is often the most common reason potential climbers either back out of the gym door, or decide to stay grounded while their buddies dance on the rock in front of them.  Personal sports are fueled by ego, and climbing has it’s fair share.

I am asking you to take the plunge and reap the rewards.  Climbing can give you so much and you needn’t give it anything.  Well, almost.

First. Trust yourself to try something new and scary.  I tell my students that climbing is like scuba diving, we aren’t meant to breathe underwater, but we can.  Well, we aren’t meant to climb high on tiny rocks or wedged into tiny cracks, but we can, and we do, and we will.

Second. Get a teacher. Be it a friend or a guide, nothing will replace having someone there who makes you feel secure in your abilities.  There are plenty of gyms that offer indoor and outdoor instruction.  Try both and see which one feels best to learn first and then, once you know the safety basics of belaying and knot tying, your options are endless.

Third. Go ahead.  Say it.  “I’m a climber.”  Feels good doesn’t it.  And you can say it, because climbing as a sport (at any level) is in it’s own realm of extreme sports. Lets face it “I play tennis” just doesn’t give you goose bumps.

Last.  Share it.  Bring someone new to climb.  Because the only thing better than conquering  your first climb is watching someone else do it.  That may be the reason I have been teaching climbing to adults for 5 years now, the accomplishment is truly contagious.  Pass it on.