Babes in the Woods

If you want to get outdoors with your kids, but have no idea what to plan or bring, here’s the book for you.  A fellow mother who learned it all by trial and error wrote Babes in the Woods: Hiking, Camping & Boating with Babies & Young Children.  “With a lifelong love of being in the outdoors, I couldn’t wait to plan a backpacking trip with my first baby,” says author Jennifer Aist.

This book is a great resource for anyone going outdoors with babies and toddlers.  I have taken my own children on many adventures, and have asked the same questions as anyone would.  What do I take, how do I plan for my children while on a hike, or out camping.  This book answers all of those questions, in detail!

Babes in the Woods is broken down in to sections that are very easy to find when in the midst of your planning session.  Starting with tips and tricks on the basics (food, clothing, etc.), then transportation, getting out on adventures, and finally a little to help you connect with nature while you’re out.  (The last section is fun even when you just go out into your backyard, with games and fun facts about the outdoors.)

Jennifer Aist has really done a lot of research about every aspect of each adventure and recommends several types of food, clothing, and other gear.  It has been interesting to watch the outdoor industry evolve over the last ten years, to include more high performance gear for babies and children.  Jennifer has included much of this new and improved gear in her research.

You can read this and find what works best for you, from the voice of experience.  To have a great time wherever you go, it’s always great to listen to those who have been there.  You’ll know what to expect, be prepared, and ready for a great experience.  I highly recommend Babes in the Woods, for a voice of experience.  (Published by the Mountaineers Books)