When I first heard about this technology I was intrigued. A product that doesn’t stink after multiple uses. I received a shirt the first week in August at the Outdoor Retailer Show to test and review. For the last couple of months I have been using the shirt seeing if I could get it to smell. I wore it hiking miles in the Wasatch Front, climbing all day long, biking and running. The first few times using it, I was impressed. No matter how much I had sweat or stunk, the shirt didn’t smell.

Half the shirt is treated with Agion Active and the other half is untreated to be able to see if the technology works. After using the shirt a couple of times, I had an idea on how to test it. I wouldn’t wash it for a few weeks and wear it while I commuted to work and back on my bike. The commute is 16 miles one-way, I would be getting plenty sweaty and stinky on the ride. This would be a great way to test it. I told some co-worker of my plan and they thought it would be a great idea and test. So I started.

After day one the shirt did great. I wasn’t surprised it had performed great on similar one day tests. After a week, it was getting a little dirty, but it wasn’t smelling yet. After another week it was even dirtier but it didn’t stink. I was shocked. After telling a co-worker that the shirt was not stinking yet, he couldn’t believe me. I told him to smell it himself, he was reluctant but finally did. He was shocked.

This technology could be and should be adopted in more than just clothing. I was telling my co-workers that everyone should have this technology in their clothes. It might not help people from smelling but at least it would help with their clothes from smelling.

Agion Active is the latest in cutting edge technology available from Agion Technologies. Combining the power of three proprietary technologies – Agion Active was developed to provide intense defense against odor – and is the first and only textile treatment that handles microbial based odors and ambient, absorbed odors.

I look forward to seeing this technology being applied to different types of clothing. I am thinking of bike jerseys, undergarments or even clothes to commute in. If this seems like something you would be interested in learning more about or even testing then head over to their website at http://www.stinkatnothing.com/ . You could be the next person to test the shirt to see if it works for you.