The weather is getting warmer…

Spring here in Utah can bring all kinds of surprises. One day it will be 70 degrees and two days later it is snowing. When the sun starts to come out all I can think of is getting up to the mountains to go climbing or hiking. I have to remember that even though there is no snow down low, there is always lots of snow up in the mountains.

The last couple of weeks I have been building, updating and gathering data and information for Open Air Life and the wiki guides. The time I have spent on gathering this information has been a really enjoyable time for me. I love to spend time in the mountains even if it is not climbing. It is also a great time for me to expose my son to them and show him the bueaty that can be found there. I can’t imagine not living so close to the mountains.

1 Comment

  1. Chrissy

    I can’t wait for more content!

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