I don’t know about you but I have always enjoyed a great book about the outdoors. I thought I would post a few of my favorite books in my collection. And then get some feedback from the rest of you about some of your favorite books. I hope to keep this a living blog post in that I will add books to it as I read them as well as keep all of your comments posted so others can get a few ideas of books to pick up from you.

Postcards from the Trailer Park (The Secret Lives of Climbers) by Cameron M. Burns. This book is a collection of short stories about different climbers. This book is a must read for any climber who loves to hear about others adventures. It was always an entertaining read.

A Test of Will: One Man’s Extraordinary Story of Survival by Warren MacDonald. I came across this book about 4 years ago, and couldn’t out it down. It was one of those books that kept the suspense high. It really shows what the human mind can do, when faced with troubling odds.

Hey Ranger!: True Tales of Humor and Misadventure from America’s National Parks by Jim Burnett. Do you envy rangers and what they do for a living. I think about seeing them out hiking around, camping and just spending time in the great outdoors. This is all part of their jobs, but there is much more to it. This book sheds some light onĀ  some of the good times of being a ranger and some of the bad times. Jim does a great job at describing and telling the story of the Ranger.

This will be something that I will continue to add books to. I would love to hear from you in the comments and learn of other books that I should pick up and read.