Tag: bus

Our New Camping Companion

Well a couple weeks back we picked us up a 1976 Volkswagen Westfalia. We are pretty excited about our new toy. We have a lot of work a head of us but we are ready for it.

When we got it, it didn’t run, but with a little work and a lot of love it is now running. I did a little trouble shooting ad figured it wasn’t getting any gas. So I got under the bus and pulled off the fuel filter. I found that the filter was solid full of gas gunk and the fuel line as well. I pulled the line from the tank and fuel came draining out. I drained about 11 gallons of varnished old gas. Lucky for me, the gas gunk stopped at the filter and not through the rest of the lines, pump and engine. I did replace the lines and installed a new filter.

I also had to set the points and figure out the firing order. Also the previous owner installed a new battery cables backwards which had fried some of the electrical lines so I replaced them as well. After a little starter fluid, the engine turned over and started up. It was nice to get it up and running.

I am going to try to keep everyone updated on the progress of our Westy as we clean it up and get it up camping. I would love to hear any suggestions or stories about any of your VW buses. Keep riding.

The Clear the Air Challenge – What I Learned!

It has taken me a few day to write this post. I was planning on writing it the evening of the 31st but I was getting ready for the Outdoor Retailer Show which is going on this week. My final results might not have been as impressive as others but here they are:

  • Trips saved – 106
  • Miles Saved – 589
  • Emissions Reduced – 989 lbs.
  • Energy Saved – 27 Gal.
  • Money Saved – $331

I was surprised at how easy this was to achieve. As I said on Day 1, I love my car. But by changing a few things I was able to get to work and back without using a car. I was hoping to go the whole month without ever driving to work in my car. I fell short of that goal on day 31. I was sick all night and should have just stayed home from work, but went anyway. I wasn’t able to wake up early enough or have the energy to bike to work. So I drove. But I have made up for it now.

I thought when I started this challenge that I would do it for a month and then get back in my car and drive to work. I was surprised at how much I really started to enjoy the time it takes to commute. It is nice to be able to ride the bike and get some excerise. Also if I choose not to ride the bike, I have time to get on the computer and get some work done that I wouldn’t have an opportunity to do.

I have come to realize that by having a bus/trax monthly pass actually give me a little more flexibility. I would have said the complete opposite before I started this challenge. The past couple of days, I have been gong to the Salt Palace for the Outdoor Retailer Show and I have commuted everyday there. Usually I drive and have to find a place to park then pay for it. Now I hop on the bus and trax and I am dropped off a few feet away from the show. I am not saying that commuting is always more convenient, but it does provide more options.

Now that the challenge is over, I am planning on registering my car sometime this month. I will start to driving occasionally to work I’m sure. But this challenge has really changed the way that I am going to be getting around town. It has shown me that will a little planning and determination, it is not that hard to reduce my emissions.

If you weren’t able to or just didn’t get around to trying this challenge. I would like to challenge you to try it this month. Not for the whole month, but for a few days. I think that you will find out that it isn’t all that bad and the extra time spent can be used for different activities that you would be doing at home anyway. I would love to hear about others successes or stories about the challenge. Please comment and let others know how it went.

Clear The Air Challenge – Day 15 – Take a kid for a ride.

Half way there. Today I was going to ride my bike but woke up a little late. I had a problem with the snooze button. I did however catch the bus on time and was on time to work again. I think I have been on time more now that I use public transit than when I would drive to work. I think that is a little backwards but I guess in the car, I would try to cut it too close.

The only problems I have come into with commuting is the heat. It has been super hot the last few days and the walk to the Trax Station has seem twice as far.

But on the positive side, today on the way home my wife was out visiting family by my work, so she dropped off my boy to ride the train and bus home with me. Ever since I have been riding to work he has wanted to come a long with. He had a blast. If you think riding the train or bus is boring, then find a three year old to ride with you. As the train stopped to pick us up, he yells, “All aboard.” He loved going over bridges and watching the people get on and off.

The bus ride home was just as fun. He makes the routine route seem just a little more exciting. I didn’t get to listen to my music or get on the computer but I was able to spend some time with my boy. Commuting has been getting easier.

To end the day today, I hooked up the trailer to my bike, loaded the kids, and rode down to the ball field to watch my brothers play softball. Saving trips is not all that hard if you do a little planning and you try just a little harder.

sam and I

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Clear the Air Challenge – Day 7 – Long Boarding

I have been commuting to work now for a week. Over the week I have been able to cut 10 minutes off my time.  One way I have done this is by riding my long board from home to the bus and then from Trax to work. I can cover the same amount of distance in a third of the time.  And that is going uphill. Coming down is much faster.

I have really started to enjoy commuting. It has given me some extra time to read and work on some projects that I haven’t had the time to start. I wish that my commute home was a little faster though. It still takes me around an hour and twenty minutes to get home.

One thing that I still need to try is riding my bike. My bike should speed the whole process up. The down side of the bike is that I have to stand and hold it while riding Trax.  Right now I can be on my laptop or read while riding Trax. Also, being July, it is hot outside. So riding a bike doesn’t sound like the coolest way to travel.

(Note this picture is of me long boarding in San Diego and not to work. I wish I could ride along the beach each day to work. Well, maybe someday.)

Clear the Air Challenge – Day 1

Let me start off by saying how much I love my car. It’s not the car I love it is the ease of having a car that I love. I have always thought it would be a good idea to ride public transportation or my bike, but I have never been able to make myself do it. With the Clear the Air Challenge I thought it would be a good time to start. (You can find out more about this challenge here.)

The last couple of days I have been researching how I was going to get to work. I found out times and locations and what the best way was going to be. I found out that I needed to be at the bus stop at 6:40 am to be to work by 8.

So, it all started at 6:25 this morning when I left my house. I got to the stop early, and it was a good thing I did. The bus arrived 4 minutes early. It was a smooth ride to the Trax(light rail train) station. I am lucky to have a limited stop express bus that I can ride to the Trax station.  As the bus was pulling up to the station the train was just leaving, so I got to wait around for 10 or so minutes till the next one.

Trax was great. It was nice to be able to get on the train and not worry about driving. I will be able to get some work done in the morning, read or just listen to some music on the ride.  When I got to my stop I had a half mile walk to work but it wasn’t bad.

All in all, it worked pretty well. It took 1 hour and 17 minutes from the time I left home, to the time I got to work. It also took exactly the same time to get home. I arrived to work about 20 minutes early today, so I plan to leave my house a bit later tomorrow; we’ll see how it goes. I will be updating my adventures of not using my car for the month of July.

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