As I said in the previous post, I have now added biking into my commuting arsenal. I have decided tip number 1 for biking to work. Watch the weather reports. I was not ready for the rain today. It was a hot day and the rain felt good, but my electronics were not looking forward to getting soaked. I luckily found a plastic bag to wrap my phone in, then wrapped it in my change of clothes. I only made the mile long mad dash to Trax where I was able to hide out from the rain. I rode Trax and the bus home to try and dry out a little. My back and butt were sopping wet, but I made it home.

So from now on I am going to pay a little better attention to the weather. Not that I will not ride to work when it is raining, I will just come better prepared to handle it.

Any tips on what gear to have handy for most situations that one might encounter when commuting on a bike? I would like to put together a bag or trunk bag of stuff that is useful.