Tag: Utah

Clear the Air Challenge – Day 26 – Rain

As I said in the previous post, I have now added biking into my commuting arsenal. I have decided tip number 1 for biking to work. Watch the weather reports. I was not ready for the rain today. It was a hot day and the rain felt good, but my electronics were not looking forward to getting soaked. I luckily found a plastic bag to wrap my phone in, then wrapped it in my change of clothes. I only made the mile long mad dash to Trax where I was able to hide out from the rain. I rode Trax and the bus home to try and dry out a little. My back and butt were sopping wet, but I made it home.

So from now on I am going to pay a little better attention to the weather. Not that I will not ride to work when it is raining, I will just come better prepared to handle it.

Any tips on what gear to have handy for most situations that one might encounter when commuting on a bike? I would like to put together a bag or trunk bag of stuff that is useful.

OR Winter

Well the last few days I have been roaming around the Salt Palace here in Utah at the Outdoor Retailer Winter Show. It is like a giant candy store for adults who love the outdoors. Over the next week, I will be posting the latest gear that I came across during the show. Some new gear as well as some that just really caught my eye.  I hope you check back and see some of the new and excited gear that will be coming out.

There were a bunch of different bands playing at the show. I caught some of Joey and Rory sing their song “Cheater, Cheater”.


Capital Reef National Park – Day 1

Well it was about time for my family and I to get out of town for more than a day. With work and other obligations it can be hard to make time to go out and play. I took time off over a month ago, and started to think of places we could go. We thought of San Diego, Yosemite, Devils Tower, Denver and so many more. But we couldn’t pick a place. Each day would pass and my wife and I would ask each other, “have you figured out where we are going?’ It came down to the night before we left that we figured we would head down to Capital Reef National Park. We thought this would be close enough that the two kids wouldn’t die in the car ride.

Day 1 was a pretty boring day. we loaded up the car and headed to the park. After a four hour drive we were checking in to our hotel. We stayed at the Rim Rock Inn, in Torrey, UT. This was right outside of the park and made a great basecamp for our adventures for the week. The view from our room was amazing.img_5485img_5559img_5487 We also chose the Inn because it does offer a complimentary breakfast. After unpacking, we headed into town to get us some dinner and went to a place called Chillzz Malt Shoppe. The food was good and the owners were super friendly. They have burgers and pizza. They do have a pool table and some arcades to play while you there.

After some food we headed back to get some rest for the coming day.

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